I am ashamed of my behavior and cowardice

I am ashamed of my behavior and cowardice
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This happened to me at work. The boss called a colleague rudely, and there were serious investigations. The boss denied that she had said it, and to prove it, she started asking people whether she had said it or not.

When she asked me, I was terribly afraid, the boss is already bad enoughrelationship , I was afraid it would get even worse. She looked so menacingly that I simply could not tell that she really called a colleague names. I made such a gesture, like I had nothing to do with it, don’t touch me (well, that is, I raised my hands and shook my head), I don’t know how to explain correctly.

The boss thought that I agreed with her, that she did not call me names, and said loudly that I confirmed her innocence. The colleague looked at me as if I were an enemy, but before this incident we had communicated well. They didn’t let me say a word and startedswear again. By the time I realized what had happened, it was already too late.

My colleague looks at me with contempt. I apologized to her several times for this. I'm terribly ashamed of thisact . I understand that if I start test-antibiotic.com making excuses, I will dig myself even deeper. I’m ashamed in front of other colleagues, because they saw it all and know it all. Will I ever be able to get rid of this feeling of shame?

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