Why am I haunted by the same dream?

Why am I haunted by the same dream?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I do not understand what is going on. Every night I dream about my former classmate. I graduated from school 10 years ago. In general, I haven’t communicated with anyone since school. But I dreamed about him during school, after finishing school I stopped dreaming about him and now again. And I dream about it at that school age.

I don’t even know where he is or with whom. We don't communicate at all. I never had any feelings for him. Classmate and classmate. We were never in the same company at school. We didn’t even communicate at school.

I'm tired of these dreams. He holds hands all the time in his sleep. I scream: “Let me go!” But he holds tightly and says: “don’t let go, don’t let go.” But it’s not even about the dreams, it’s about the fact that after them I’m broken all day.

As soon as I don’t see him in my dreams, everything is fine again, and I’m cheerful in the morning. And after these dreams the whole day is a waste. I don’t know where to turn, I somehow don’t believe in magic. But I don’t even know who to contact test-antibiotic.com.

I'm tired of these nightmares. Lately the dreams have become more frequent. And all the time I feel bad and hurt in my sleep, but he just holds me tightly. This, of course, looks like fiction, but these dreams really torment me, and I don’t even know who to consult. What should I do? Who should I contact?