I'm ashamed that I didn't appreciate my parents

I'm ashamed that I didn't appreciate my parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I always wanted to be like all my acquaintances and friends, so that I also had fashionable clothes and shoes. I took it from my dad firstI bought money for pants, then I bought it for sneakers, I bought everything, everything is fine, I’m happy, and then a couple of days later I see that his sneakers have huge holes in the heels, and so on.

I felt ashamed in front of him and offended at myself, and very much so. When I asked for money for sneakers,my father didn’t say a word that his shoes were torn and he also needed to buy them, but simply gave me the money. I feel sad in my soul because my parents take care of me, but I don’t even pay attention to those who earn it all. I even know why I didn’t appreciate everything they did for me, bought me, gave me money when I asked them for it.

And all because dad works and at the same time often likes to drink. I thought that if he had money for booze, then he had money for everything else, including test-antibiotic.com for me. This is what I thought before, not noticing anyone around except myself and my needs. Now I am tormented by my conscience because I did not understand this before and did not appreciate my parents’ care for me, but took everything for granted.

I wanted to give my father my sneakers, different ones, not the ones I bought, they were also almost new, but he didn’t take them and said: “You’d better wear them, you need them more.” And I just have a grudge, a big one, towards myself even now as I write. What to do now, I just don’t know, I only know one thing, that I’m badson . Appreciate your parents because someday it will be too late. Give me advice on what I should do in this situation.

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