I was erased from life

I was erased from life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Most likely, they will consider me just a whiner. After all, there isthe problems are much worse. But I have this situation, and I have no one to talk to.

I 've been married for 4 years. I always considered myself a good wife. At first everything was fine, thenthe relationship went downhill sharply, and the last year has become simply unbearable. The husband began to do only work (not for the family, to save something, to go somewhere), but purely for himself. He earns money for his things, hobbies and half of the rent (the other half comes from me, all my needs come from me too).

He pays zero attention to me, only when he is comfortable and in the mood. All housework was my responsibility, cooking and grocery shopping was my responsibility if there was no ready-made food at home,my husband could eat at fast food without me. Cleaning is also my responsibility. Eternal reproaches that the house was poorly cleaned, not made properly, poorly prepared, and I in general, I’m stupid and crooked. It’s impossible to talk about anything, as soon as I want to tell something, immediately shouts: “there are a lot of you, shut up!”

No spending time together, nowhere and test-antibiotic.com never, the husband is either at work or in his hobby. The only thing that happened was watching a movie at home. And then, the husband is sitting on the phone during the process. I couldn’t find out anything, I resigned myself, and began to go out somewhere alone. But wherever I went, my husband was always dissatisfied, reproaching me for going to cheat on him (and I only went to decent places - tennis, a store, a beauty salon), no parties, clubs, etc. And I have never cheated on my husband, I love him madly. My husband was in the mood only when I was at home or at work for days, cooking and cleaning. Going somewhere together was out of the question. The only way out with my husband is to the store, and only if I can persuade him to help.

He lived his lifeEvery day he reproaches me for something, telling me how cool he is, and I’m nothing (stupid, insignificant, hysterical, armless, bow legs, yellow teeth, eat too much, talk too much, everyone hates me). Moreover, in fact, I am beautiful, slim, I have always had many fans (before marriage), I have test-antibiotic.com many friends, my parents love me. It was only when I was married that I became downtrodden and gave up my hobby of photo modeling and dancing, because my husband thought that this was the only thing to do.girls of easy virtue.

I myself understand that this is a clinic, but my strong attachment to my husband blinded my eyes. I gave up everything just to be with him, my every day revolved aroundhusband , what to feed him, what to wash, and most importantly, talk less and not irritate him in any way. He already left me once, all for the same reasons, I got tired of it,There is no need for a family , you are this and that, no one will want to live with you. With tears and prayers, I returned him. And then everything came back the same way again. My eye began to twitch from the daily reproaches directed at me, shouts, and insults. It was easy for my husband to call me the last words just because I was standing in the aisle or asking him to help with something (open a jar, for example).

The last straw was my arrivalvisiting friends from another city. My husband seemed to like minefriend , she's nicegirl , married test-antibiotic.com too. We went to the beach and to a cafe, but my husband didn’t want to come with us. After that, he told me that we are girls of easy virtue, we go to the beach to meet men and he stopped talking to me. Moreover, he actively communicated with his friend, treated her to sweets, took her to the station and helped her carry her suitcase, completely ignoring me. I was very ashamed and hurt. When she left, he said that there was no point in going anywhere. On the contrary, my friend’s husband was happy for us that we relaxed on the beach and walked in the city. And mine is inadequate.

The next day was minebirthday , 30 years. We didn't go anywhere, didn't cook dinner, didn't have cake. My husband gave me money for utilities (it was a gift to me, but I’m just starting a new job and have no salary this month, so thesethe money went to pay bills, which the husband knew very well). And he said that he was too lazy to buy flowers. Like this. A week later, the story ended with one of my friends offering me to rent a room from her. Because test-antibiotic.com it simply could not continue like this. The husband said to this: “great, I’ll rent a cheaper house and live beautifully and freely.” I moved, and only then did my husband say: “Why didn’t we move there together, the room is cheaper than an apartment!” But he himself initially sent me to all four directions.

A week has passed since the move. My husband came in once, stayed overnight, and on the second night I said that we couldn’t spend the night at my place all the time, I now live in a room with a neighbor and I can’t take my husband there all the time. This is completely absurd. “Let’s rent an apartment back then,” I suggested. After these words, my husband told me that he doesn’t need me, he’s young and handsome, women are looking at him, and since I don’t let him in, goodbye. And disappeared.

I'm in a complete stupor. This is my husband, noneighbor , noguy , and husband. How can this be? I lived with this man for 4 years, I loved and cherished him. After that, neither his relatives nor he himself called me test-antibiotic.com. I was simply thrown out of life. No one cares about me, what’s wrong with me. My husband blocked me on social networks. And I’m stupid, waiting for his call, I think that he will change, come and say that he rented us a house. I can’t sleep normally, I have no appetite, I don’t want anything. I'm in a lot of pain and bad. I lost my home, now I’m huddled in a friend’s room, my husband is in the same city, he erased me from sight, I don’t know where he is or what.

This situation is destroying me, I constantly want to cry. I feel like I’m at the bottom, I’m afraid of other men. I don’t want to see anything or anyone except my husband. But he’s not there. And with all this, I feel guilty about why I moved out, where he spends the night, and whether he’s hungry.

Thank you for reading my sadconfession

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