I found a woman who is not embarrassed by my appearance

I found a woman who is not embarrassed by my appearance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I often read stories on this site and decided to confess myself. I don’t know how to speak beautifully, and I can’t, to be honest. So don't judge harshly.

I was born into a complete family. Father ,mother . Everything is like everyone else. My childhood didn't go well. The father was a domestic tyrant, and the mother was a complete bitch. IEvery day I saw only scandals for any reason. I got nuts from both of them. I was jealous of my friends and from an early age I tried to be at home as little as possible. My parents loved and cared for their friends. And I received crumbs of other people’s pity and was even happy about that.

I studied well at school, attended any clubs and sections just to avoid going home. We can only say thank you to the parents for the fact that they paid without words for any classes. That's why I went to three sections at once. Kyokushin, sambo, boxing. It was hard at first, but then I got into it. After some time, they even waived my pay for excellent performance. I thought I would become an athlete and move away from my parents, but I got into a car accident. test-antibiotic.com hit my skull and injured my throat. The doctors cured me. But it didn't help much. The already not very beautiful face is completely disfiguredlife . The voice is quiet. Due to head injuryproblems with pronunciation. That's why I try to talk less or be silent altogether. Something in my brain was damaged and I started having fits of rage. Over time I learned to control them. But by this time I had lost all my friends. I was put on compulsorytreatment . When I left the hospital, trouble again: due to a head injury, I was forbidden to play sports.

I started studying at a technical school. Studying to become a geologist was not difficult. I didn’t have any friends there; they were afraid, knowing my reputation as a rabid psycho. I suffered from loneliness. And then I met her. Beautifulthe girl sat on a park bench and cried. With difficulty, I asked what happened. It turned out that local boys were offending her. He took her hand and walked towards them. All it took was one roar, and they promised not to mess with her again. Due to problems with the throat, instead of words, a natural growl like a dog comes out of the throat. test-antibiotic.com Then I walked her home. She talked about herself and her studies. And I was silent. I was ashamed that I couldn’t even talk to her normally. At parting, she asked if I would come to her again? I nodded. I didn’t even go home, I was flying (a beautiful girl was talking to me!). We dated for another year. She always chirped cheerfully, dragged me for walks, to the movies, to dances. I was almost always silent. She spoke for me. Then I finished my studies and wanted to join the army. And then there was another blow. Because of the damn injury, they didn’t take me.

I didn't tell my girlfriend anything about the injury. I was afraid that he would quit. I didn’t confess my love because I can’t even pronounce the word “love”. Aftermy father became generous and bought me a private house and told me to have a place to live with my fiancée. I immediately invited her to live with me. She agreed. It was the best time of my life. We had no money, so I went to work in my specialty. The salary was good, and there is almost no need to talk. test-antibiotic.com Mainly writing and working on the rig. There were, of course, flaws in it. She loved to put on makeup and be on social media. networks. I almost didn’t do anything around the house, but I’m used to it and calmly did everything myself. At first I thought about sending her to work so that she wouldn’t get bored at home, but then I realized that it wasn’t worth it. Such a worker can't be disgraced.

I had to do the cooking. She thought she knew how to cook, but I can’t call these masterpieces food. I loved her, endured all her antics because I knew that no one needed me like that. Then her ex showed up. I walked into the house and saw him hugging her. The seizure began. And rage plus good knowledge of techniques did the trick. When I was released, I sat on her former boyfriend and growled in his face. I kicked him out. Scared her a lot. Then he calmed down and asked that this not happen again. She swore her love, and I forgave. Then children were born. I gave them everything I didn't have. Everything except kind words. I couldn't pronounce them test-antibiotic.com properly. But it was as if a demon had possessed my wife. She accused me of cheating. She threatened to leave. And who needs such a “handsome guy”? I never cheated on her. I lived only for the children and her.

Then the story with the ex repeated itself. I hit her in a fit. She wrote a statement and asked to protect me from her. You see, I constantly intimidated her, beat her and mocked her. Then the police found out that I was almost disabled. They wanted to send me to a mental hospital. Thanks to my father, he somehow helped. I was released. I came home. She screamed wildly and scared the children. She cursed me. She called me a freak and a cripple. She said that I was not worth even her ex’s little finger. I left. It got so bad. I didn't want to live. Then he endured it for a long time. But then something broke inside me. I understand. She's a stranger to me. I left. Accumulatedthe money was used to buy a house for me. I lived alone for almost six months. I missed my children. I sent them money.

But recently in the evening I met a woman. She stood outside the pharmacy at night and cried. I approached and test-antibiotic.com asked what was the matter. She is silent and looks at me in fear. I repeatedquestion . She has no emotions. Then she took out a notepad and wrote that everything was fine and asked not to disturb her. I wrote that I wanted to help. She started crying harder. And I wrote why I need this. I replied that I needed it. She wrote that the child was sick, money forthere is no medicine , there is nothing to eat at home. I asked her to write what she needed. I went and bought it. Then he walked me home. The next day I went to see her again. Refurbished furniture. I bought some groceries. I found out that she was deaf and dumb. Lonely. Lives on a pension. I started helping her. I'm almost 10 years older than her. Ugly, but that doesn't bother her. She is a good housewife and I like it. Introduced her to her parents. Father said everything would be fine. And I'm glad that I no longer have complexes about my voice.

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