How to save a relationship with a guy?

How to save a relationship with a guy?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Irina, I am 21 years old, my boyfriend is also 21. We have been dating for 4 years and there were different things in our relationship. They started with the fact that he constantly lied to me, and I forgave him, humiliating him a little, in general, with respect, at the moment, everything is bad with us since then. We faced various difficulties, argued about financial issues, about his inattention to me.

So, for probably a year now, we have been haunted by the problem that with every quarrelThe question is whether he needs me, he says no, then we make peace and he says it’s out of the heat. I am the initiator of all conversations, I returnthe relationship is essentially me too, he either pretends that there was no quarrel, or waits for me to take the first step towards reconciliation. He doesn’t want to work on the relationship, he wants me to change, but he doesn’t say what exactly is the matter.

In general, we recently had a fight again, and he said that he had been returning to me for 1.5 years out of pity, that he didn’t need me and that there had been no love for a long time. I said that I don’t believe in this, because his actions say the opposite, he is gentle towards me, calls, writes, shows concern. In general, everything is fine with this, and he is monogamous, he didn’t get mixed up with any women, and I said that I couldn’t leave, I said, I love him, I begged for a last chance, he gave it.

Now I don’t know what to do, I’m completely humiliated, it’s like a bad dream that after a person tells me that he doesn’t love and wants to be alone, he says that he doesn’t need me, but I’m ready to live and with this. I love him, I chose him to start a family, I think he will be a very good father. I don’t know what to do? Of course, I’m not an angel either, I say stupid things in the heat of the moment and insult people. Is there a chance to save the relationship?

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