Is there life after your wife cheats?

Is there life after your wife cheats?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In modern society, betrayal is not uncommon, I myself received one 12 years agoexperience . There is a certain level from which you can already look down.

In my casethe wife’s betrayal had a continuation, as “sincere repentance”, allowing an attempt to move on. Without repentance, in my opinion, you shouldn’t even try to waste your time.

Me and mymy wife is still one of those dinosaurs when I am her first and she is my first. So to speak, we studied each other, and moved on in life, although we formalizedrelationships only with the birth of a child.

I don’t know if this happens now or not, but that’s how it was with us. And I not only appreciated it, it was like a granite monument inside me, against which all everyday troubles were broken (as I thought).

This is not to say that the relationship was cloudless. There were always enough problems in life, even very big ones. But we tried and got used to it. Time passed, we grew up. Thanks to both parents, we had a small place to live. Both worked.

Was bornthe child is a girl. Before the registry office, we lived together for three years. By that time, we had started building our own house, having bought a plot with a barn. And most of the construction was done with my own hands, because in a young family with finances, although I had a micro business, it was always just a grind.

Although we have never lived in need and loans. By this time, my wife had gotten a full-time job, which made it possible to work on the line faster. And here our relationship began to rapidly deteriorate. I chalked it up to unfinished construction, a child, lack of sleep, and conceit from the position I received.

This went on for almost 3 years. I earnedmoney and built a new family “nest”. But we slept with each other less and less. It was as if she was putting the child to sleep and falling asleep herself. I chalked it up to hard work, nervous breakdowns, moon phases and magnetic storms.

All attempts to talk ended in nothing. Here it should be noted that the wife is a quiet person. We never have hysterics or scandals. He's just silent. It seems like they weren’t taught to speak as a child. All attempts to resolve crises always came from me. But in these 3 years I relaxed with it.

Our relationship was already 7 years old at the start of construction, and I was somewhat tired of pulling out the accumulatedproblems and disagreements. This procedure took a lot of time and mental energy. In fact, I was a “pregnant home” that I considered family. A80% of the family consisted of the wife, the child was still small.

I thought that my strength, spent on this family, was assessed by my wife as for her. How wrong I was. It should be added that there was almost no reason to suspect her of infidelity.

She didn’t stay late at work and didn’t go out on special occasions. Although if I were like I am now, she would have been caught very quickly. But then I had rose-colored glasses, granite of innocence, a friend and ally in the family.

And then one day, when the relationship came to a head and, realizing that it wouldn’t be possible to talk, I wrote her an email with questions about our relationship in the form of a stupid multiple-choice test.

I received an answer. And only after that we had our first conversation, as I thought, “heart to heart.” I would like to note right away that if you think that a woman driven into a corner will tell you the whole truth, then you are deeply mistaken.

From the conversation, it became clear that his wife was cheating. To say it was a shock would be an understatement. Even now I feel a lot of pain. And 12 years have passed. Pain from chest to toes and all other delights.

After the conversation she saw thispain , and something in it seemed to be cleared. Our relationship has even been restored to some extent. The betrayal was presented as a one-time mistake due to drunkenness at some corporate event. Although I couldn't remember this. She didn't drink that much.

The topic was closed, although I tried to reach out and understand how this became possible. But in vain. I also found out that she had already submitted an application todivorce court . Everything was decidedforgive , andforget and live “further together and happily.” I took the application.

Spring and summer passed with varying success and even long-forgotten great sex, and autumn came. For part of the summer I went on business trips for a week at a time. In the fall I noticed new tension.

And as a surprise after my daughter’s birthday, I was told by that we should separate. Without explaning the reason. After which she took the child and left the house to go to her mother.

To say that I was amazed is to say nothing. The next day I drove to my mother-in-law, as I thought, spoke frankly with her, took my daughter and went to the zoo. He also invited his wife there for a conversation.

She came all upset, said that she only needed me and she was kind of stressed. I couldn't achieve anything more intelligible. Let's go home.

We lived “amicably and happily” for a week and I had to go on a business trip for a couple of weeks. While I was traveling, we communicated quite normally throughInternet . I missed you, I waited. I noticed that I didn’t really want to return as soon as possible. Work has become more pleasant than such a tent at home.

Arrived, missed wife, greatsex , excessive attention. Frankly speaking, this was very stressful and gave me different thoughts. And then, a week or two later, someone knocks on my ICQ (there was such a messenger)guy , like to chat. I rang the IP address - Western Europe.

Communication in English, it turned out I still remember something. That's not what is about. Russia, St. Petersburg, weather. And at the end it gives me my residential address, which is not even on the map yet.

This is where my hair stood on end. On thiscommunication is over. In vague doubts I drove home. He put his wife against the “wall” and interrogated him with passion.

The interrogation continued intermittently for several weeks, with a bunch of additional lies. The entire browser cache on the computer was checked, and her mailbox was intercepted.

As the play progressed, that guy added information to me, sent me photos, letters, SMS. I have to give it my due, he didn’t lie to me even once and turned out to be a 43-year-old Belgian (she was 30-33 at the time). I have that much now.

We met online when she was staying at home with her daughter until she started a new job that was good in terms of money. My daughter was about a year and a half old. There was nothing to do, I studied English. And then it formedteacher .

We corresponded for six months and made an appointment in St. Petersburg. It’s 5000 km from us, if that. By that time, I had just taken up my position, and I was happy for her. She told me that she was being sent on a business trip for 3 days.

We met. We rented an apartment. We had sex mixed with visiting historical sights. After 3 days, she arrived, happy with life, filtered out the photos (he later sent me the missing ones) and showed the Hermitage. Life moved on.

I didn’t see anything because I didn’t even think in that direction. I stayed with my daughter and built a house. Finemother helped. The relationship gradually deteriorated further but, in general, was tolerable. I blamed everything on a new job, lack of sleep, a child and instability.

Almost a year has passed or a little less. I am presented with the news that almost for nothing, her acquaintances found her a tour to Europe for 10 days. Like, it would be stupid not to use it.

I showed dissatisfaction and said that I didn’t understand this. But the wife ignored it and left. I was left with the child and the construction site. Grateful to my mother forhelp .

In fact, the wife went to see the same man in Belgium. She returned and made a scandal right at the airport that he had met her at the wrong place. Although I waited there for 3 hours, the flight was late.

If only I could think about it, I didn’t receive a single SMS during the entire trip. This was no longer a bell, but a bell. But again I didn’t notice.

Relations continued to deteriorate catastrophically. None of my attempts to start a conversation were crowned with success. Until I wrote that ill-fated test for my wife. Afterwards it turned out to be a kind of “frank” conversation, in which it was saidlie .

Over the next six months, this lie was partially clarified and expanded. In fact, at the time of sending my ill-fated test to my wife for a jointlife , preparations were made for divorce and taking the child abroad without my consent. Preparation for the division of property. She even changed her last name to her maiden name and applied fordivorce .

The foreign prince, who was quite fat, was getting a divorce at that moment (in fact, it later turned out that his wife had left him, because he even got hold of a free-spirited Belgian woman).

Now I think what would have happened if I had not written that letter or the conversation would not have worked out. Maybe I ruined itmy wife's happiness with the Belgian prince, but then I would have lost foreverdaughter .

The loss of my wife at this time would rather have been a blessing if I had known everything at once. Yes, it would be difficult, but everything would be logical and understandable. I think there are many such cases. But fate decreed otherwise.

Something struck my wife, and she tried, albeit half-heartedly, to finish the “novel.” Then the prince expressed a desire to come to our city (a million-plus population in Western Siberia).

She wrote to the consulate not to give him a visa. I tried to dissuade him, but in the end he ended up in our city exactly a few days before the fall. He arrived the day after his daughter’s birthday. That’s why the wife left at that time without explanation.

But something went wrong with my wife, which is a mystery to me to this day. As a result, my wife’s parents hid the Belgian at their dacha until I left on a business trip.

As it turned out later, the mother-in-law had been aware of the events for quite some time and had her own correspondence with this man. He then sent me some of her most “heartfelt” text messages addressed to me with wishes to stay on the track.

One day a Belgian came to our house and almost burned his beloved. I left, and they pleased him. They took us to local attractions, theaters and picnics.

His wife said that she would not go with him, bought him a ticket with her own money and sent him to the capital. And having calmed down, she began to wait for me from the business trip.

After he contacted me on ICQ and the conversation with his wife, I remember the month in a fog. She gave me lie after lie. I sent my wife to get tested, but they found nothing. The active phase is over.

Well, what started next is difficult to describe. Now I’m thinking why I didn’t go to an empty apartment, even without official divorces and divisions. Just sit back and recover. Just to understand whether I need something here or not.

Skipping a little, I will say that the situation was not childish. And for both of us. I don't know what has to happen to a woman to do this and then try everythingto bring back.

In fact, she lost 10 kg in a couple of weeks. Over the next six months, she lost the job she had been striving for for half her life, and not because sheher lover sent her intimate photos there, but because there were actually mistakes. I sawed it for several weeks.

12 years have passed since then. We have had 2 more daughters born and are growing up (3 in total). And, unfortunately, my wife could not bear one child (I will write in more detail in the conclusions).

We also bought a house in the village and live there often. The family is friendly, there are everyday problems, but they are resolved. Sex with my wife became just a fairy tale. This never happened even when I was young.

Immediately after the incident, several axioms were established for her: she no longer has any rights to me in terms of my relationships with anyone. Any lie automatically leads to a break in the relationship. My mother-in-law no longer enters our house, but she can sometimes communicate with her granddaughter on her territory.

After 7 years, my mother-in-law left this world. The wife considers herself guilty of her death, the death of a miscarried child, and an abortion due to her youth, when she and I were young, and she became pregnant. Wildly afraid of her mother, she went for an abortion, but I didn’t stop her.

This guilt complex, plus betrayal, dropped her self-esteem through the roof. And I see that he is beginning to destroy it. Moreover, for the most part it was not that I inspired this in her; in some incomprehensible way, she realized all this herself. And I don’t know what to do with this.