Mother insists that I get married

Mother insists that I get married
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

First, let me outline my situation. I’m 31 years old, I’m successful, I live alone, I feel great, I play sports and I don’t complain about anything, I don’t bother anyone. But over the past five years, every year more and more active, myMom is burning with the desire to marry me, and, apparently, to just anyone. I'm the only one she has, her eldest belovedmy daughter went abroad and does not maintain contact, now all attention is focused on me.

At first, everything was within the framework of conversations and hints, then in the form of wise advice, and now it’s already a demand and quarrels with grabbing the heart and talking bitterly. What I just can’t stand and then go for a week without the mood.

I love my mother and don’t want to upset her, she is the only person close to me, but I won’t live by her ideas. My opinion about marriage and women has long been formed. I see divorces, infidelity, children not from husbands and lovers of Turkey and Egypt. I understand that under matriarchy the so-calledmarriage does not give any advantages to a man, and its collapse gives women complete privileges. There is no leverage or protection against slander, and paternity rights are not protected. Men prove something to someone, take out mortgages, take out loans to pay off loans, get divorced, leave their wives and children with nothing, and die at 50 from strokes and heart attacks. I look at them from the outside and don’t understand why they were born. To get drunk on Fridays? At 31, I look younger and healthier than they do at 20-25.

In general, all this causes me nothing but disgust. But attempts to explain this to the mother fail miserably. Apparentlythe mother does not, by definition, perceive her child as a serious person. Everyone keeps saying: “You’re a lonely person, you’ll end up in a sect, you’ll get drunk.” She is not interested in explanations that half the country is drinking alcohol in the family. This is the situation. I would like to accidentally stumble upon this resource and ask for advice. How not to upset your mother and stop this gimmick? Thank you in advance.

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