Fell in love with a married boss

Fell in love with a married boss
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Really want toforget one unpleasant person. I'll start from the beginning. I'm looking for a job. I decided to play it safe and ask one of the bosses at work to recommend me if necessary.

He became interested and asked me to call him back. During the conversation, I realized that he wanted to offer me a job in his department, to find out more about me. As a result, he invited me the next daydrink coffee . We talked for a long time, about 4 hours. He lectured me throughout the meeting. I liked him very much right away. The truth was that he was married with children. We then met 2 more times. Basically he taught me all my life again. He spoke an unrealistic amount himself. I only inserted individual phrases. But that’s how it happens, I liked it and that’s it.

Once I was corresponding with him and offended him with a word, by accident. So that he wouldn’t leave, I humiliated myself and admitted that I liked him. He, in turn, admitted that he was not free. And I write to him that I just want to communicate. In general, I don’t know, but he bewitched me. I couldn't sleep at all. Test-antibiotic.com was waiting for all messages from him.

Somehow we also corresponded, and he hints to me that he wants to sleep with me. But I didn’t understand right away. After that, once again we corresponded for a long time. He writes: “Can I ask you?” But I couldn’t do that, that’s the thing. For one night methe relationship is not satisfactory. After that dialogue, a cooling set in. But I begged him for a meeting. I think I'll see it for the last time and that's it. We met. I want to hug him madly. He didn't mind. We hugged. I understand that he is starting to get excited. Throughout the meeting he hugged me and held my hand. He acted like he was in love. And at the end, in the car, he started reaching under my skirt. I stopped him. He asked if I got everything I wanted. I didn't understand his question. After that he disappeared.

I wrote and texted him. I humiliated myself and wrote that I miss you. The epiphany came later. I returned his gift. I didn’t want to look or think about him. I couldn’t resist and wrote a nasty SMS later about his essence. He replied to me and pretended to be test-antibiotic.com a victim. I asked him to forget. This situation taught me a lot. I feel disgusted and disgusted right now. I want to forget him. I still work there, but on weekends. God bless! I want to forget this person and learn lessons.

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