I don't communicate with my mother-in-law

I don't communicate with my mother-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have already written a story here about my relationship with my mother-in-law, I want to write a continuation.

I still talked to my mother-in-law and said that I didn’t consider living together in any way, literally at all, but she continued her weekly visits for 2-3 days. You can judge me, but I told my husband that this does not suit me, on weekends I want to be with my family without strangers, I want to do nothing, and not run around my mother-in-law and entertain her.

She offered a compromise that we would go to see my mother togetherhusband every 2 weeks, or she comes to us, but for 1 day and not every week. My husband agreed, my mother-in-law didn’t like it, she was offended and started turning her nose up at me. I didn’t insist on communication.

A month later, my test showed 2 stripes again, I was at a loss, this is the thirdpregnancy , also 5 months after the second birth, but they decided to keep the child. My mother-in-law became more active again and began to hint that she would help with the pregnancy and later with the weather, I politely refused her again. She was offended againtest-antibiotic.com relationship became strained, perhaps this was the reason for her breakdown on my eldestdaughter (she is from her first marriage), she is now 10 years old.

When I was in the maternity hospital, during one of my visits she took my eldest daughter’s pillow, to which my child reacted immediately, she askedreturn butHer husband’s mother kicked her out saying: “Go away, you’re disturbing me from sleeping!” My child tried to object, butThe husband took the mother’s side, gave her a nursery and sent her to the room. After returning from the hospital, my daughter told me everything, my husband confirmed it, it was unpleasant for me, I didremark , but did not stir up a scandal.

The second time my daughter was attacked, I could not stand it. We were sitting, having dinner, my mother-in-law and her husband were celebrating the birth of their granddaughter, and his mother, in a drunken stupor, in front of my eldest daughter, began to insult her father (my ex-husband, my daughter communicates with him and loves him). Naturally, my child tried to protect him, then I told her that even I don’t speak about my ex-husband in front of my child. Moreover, this should not concern her, especially with my daughter.


And then she got carried away! She said nasty things about my parents, about me, about my daughter. I got up and left, my husband tried to calm my mother down, but it didn’t work, I didn’t get up to see her off in the morning. I told my husband not to set foot in my house, she wants to go to her himself and take her granddaughter, but I stoppedcommunication with her. My husband, of course, was upset, but now he’s used to it. After all, it's hisMom , not mine, so let him babysit her himself.

Everything suits me, no one gets on my nerves, I’m not living, but enjoying. You can throw stones at me, but my only regret is that I didn’t do it earlier.

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