Pregnancy from an Ivorian friend and separation from a Russian guy

Pregnancy from an Ivorian friend and separation from a Russian guy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A month ago I came to myguy to Barcelona. The road was very long - 54 hours. When I arrived in Madrid after 46 hours on the road, I could only wait for the bus to Barcelona. My Ivorian friend was waiting for me in Madrid. He and I agreed when I was still on the way so that he would meet me when I arrived.

We went to his house so that I could wash myself and rest, lying on the bed. When I washed myself and lay down, he came to me and said that he was very glad that he had thisa friend like me hugged me, and then started kissing me and we had sex. We did not protect ourselves with anything. Regarding the fact thatthe sex was unprotected, I wasn’t worried at all, since I had safe days. After sex, he made an unexpected statement, saying that he loved me and wanted a child from me.

When I was already a week late, I suspected something was wrong and decided to go to the pharmacy to buy a test forpregnancy . I did at home, and it showed me a weak second strip. After 2 days, I bought a second pregnancy test, took it, and it showed me a clear second line. I was shocked! I just couldn’t figure out what to do and how to be. Even though I’m already an adult, with courses and work, a child was by no means, well, not part of my plans so early. I cried a lot and wanted to have an abortion, because I couldn’t imagine myself as a mother and the mere thought that after the birth of my childlife would change 180°, I was terrified.

After I took a sedative pill and calmed down, I called my friend (he had just finished his work day) and told him that Ipregnant by him. He was very happy and said that there would be no abortion and that I should leave my boyfriend and move to live with him in Madrid, and when I arrived, the next day we would go to the registry office to submit documents formarriage . Having heard all this, I was in seventh heaven and changed my mind about having an abortion, decided to give birth, because it is unknown whether I will be able to have children after an abortion.

There are women who give birth after one or even several abortions, but this is all very individual, since everyone’s body is different. Then I called my boyfriend and talked to him frankly about the fact that I was pregnant from my friend, we decided to give birth and therefore we need to break up. Everything went terribly, of course, he shouted, insulted, said that he very much regretted that he had contacted me at all, that he would delete and block my number everywhere. But I didn’t care at all about his hysteria. I also deleted and blocked his number everywhere, packed all my things, bought a bus ticket and left for Madrid.

Arriving to visit my no longer friend, but boyfriend in Madrid, the next day we submitted documents for marriage. In 3 months we will officially become husband and wife. We love each other very much!

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