I'm afraid of losing a guy without whom I'll definitely be lost

I'm afraid of losing a guy without whom I'll definitely be lost
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Last year, after a long, painful breakup in my first relationship (lasted more than two years), I met a guy. After my first love, I swore off starting new ones.relationship , I decided to stay alone. Since it didn’t work out the first time to create the right relationship, then the second one will be unacceptable to me; anyway, nothing good will come of it. Tell a person again the same thing that you told your ex, the same affectionate nicknames and declarations of feelings? Well, no.

After meeting this second guy, I realized that I still had a chance forhappiness and I can try again. The first month everything was great, I became his first girlfriend, he had no relationship before, but then everything went well.

A little to clarify: I am 2 years older than my boyfriend (he is 18, I am 20), but I am childish and know too little about the world. He teaches me not to be too naive, gives practicaladvice opens your eyes to the truth. He is wonderful, we love each other and agree with each other in almost everything, test-antibiotic.com except for one thing - he did not want to have a relationship with a girl who already had other guys. We're so damn different. I am a person drawn to art, but he accepts only science and logic. I dream about blue hair and about writing a book, learning to sing, leading a free lifestyle, not burdened by boundaries. He wants to see next to him a girl who is only his, who is homely and loving, who can refuse the rest of the world, because she will only need herbeloved person.

We cannot come to one thing, our views onlife is radically different. Recently (we have been dating for almost a year) we have nothing to talk about, and if conversations start, then one of us is sure to get angry or offended. I can't stand it anymore. We've talked a million times about these topics, but we haven't come to anything. There is only one way out - only to live and endure. But that’s not the life I wanted, and neither did he.

I can’t give it up and test-antibiotic.com I don’t want to lose it. I will be lost without him, because... I’m not at all adapted to life and I really miss his care. I just don’t know what to do, how to find a solution that suits both of us.

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