From one extreme to another

From one extreme to another
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Idoctor , I am 25 years old. For my family I am the most responsible person, I have achieved everything myself, I have never created problems, but only helped myself. In reality, everything is not so rosy.

I am sexually activelife since 18, had 14 partners. At 23, drank heavily for a year,pregnancy , abortion, at 24 years old got involved with drugs, got rid of this addiction only two months ago.

And now I'm 25 years old. I have no relationships, no warm relationships with my family (they only call when I need something), no family of my own. Just me and my job. Yes, it's well paid and loved. But the house is so empty that you can hear the wind howling.

Everything would be fine, but now my life can be described like this:

There is a young man who gives memoney (although I don't need it), we don't sleep, we don't see each other and it seems we don't even text very often. He just takes care of me when I want him to. I live alone far from my family in another city and work in the red zone, saving lives and seeing dozens of deaths from coronavirus every single day. I havea girl who is 18 and we sleep together. No, I am not a lesbian and never have been one, I have never been attractedgirls .

I don't understand what's wrong with me. Why is everything upside down and not like everyone else's?

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