I'm afraid to marry my beloved but lazy man

I'm afraid to marry my beloved but lazy man
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I havebeloved person. We've been together for 10 months. I love him very much, and he loves me. These are not just words, I know and feel it in my actions.

He proposed to me, he wants to get married, but I really doubt such a serious step, I have concerns. They are connected with the fact that he does not want to change jobs and earn normal money.

I'm not some mercantile lady who only needsmoney from a man, on the contrarylife has taught me to be independent. I have a separate small oneapartment , growingdaughter , I myself work and earn a decent salary. My beloved treats his daughter normally, they get along. He is also caring towards me, always helps, is there at any difficult moment, worries about me.

He worked as a sales representative, the work was not dusty, and he paid well. In November they had a layoff, they wanted to fire him, but he himself asked to stay at least until the New Year, so as not to run around. He began to expand his customer base, but in the end it all came down to him calling on the phone, collecting orders and test-antibiotic.com paying him 10-15 thousand a month. I talked to him about this more than once, which somehow wasn’t serious. He has a higher education, after all.work experience , good car, 32 will be this year. He said: “I don’t want to get a new job from 9 to 18, get up early, for the same money that I used to get here. I’ll get a job as a courier delivering pizza without registration until September, until we go on vacation after the wedding.”

As a result, time passes and I haven’t found a job anywhere. I don’t want to judge him, but I think he’s just lazy. It’s good to sleep in the morning, not to rush anywhere, mind your own business. But how can a family live in this situation? I don't pretend to support me and my daughter, buta man should earn decent money in our time. After all, we have plans to expand our housing and have a common child. There's nothing worse than being lazya husband who doesn't really work. I'm afraid that by getting married I'll sign my own death sentence. But I love him and don’t want to lose him. I don’t know what to do or what to do.

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