Life doesn't end with divorce

Life doesn't end with divorce
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

One evening, when I came home from work and saw a bag in the hallway, I thought that one of our relatives had come to visit us without warning. But then he came to methe husband said very calmly: “We can no longer live together. We need to get a divorce."

His words made me feel as if the end of the world had come. He left, and I sat there the whole evening without undressing. It's good that at leastThe son was with his mother.

Yes, we have often quarreled lately, my husband made comments to me on any occasion, but I couldn’t even think what he was planningdivorce . I was very hurt and upset.

After the divorce, I hired a nanny for my five-year-old son, and I tried to spend more time at work in order to be at least a little distracted. I bought a dog that my son and I had long dreamed of, but my husband was against it. Now in the mornings and evenings after work we walk with our Rex. The husband came to see his son only on Sundays. I didn’t know anything about his personal life, but I didn’t want to ask

But little by little I came to terms with my position as an abandoned wife. Two years have passed, and I remember this already calmly. Moreover, now I would never agree to live together again, although recently my ex-husband has been hinting at this.

I learned to live on my own, plan my time without depending on anyone and without asking permission. In the evenings I don’t listen to moral lectures about how I cooked dinner incorrectly, cut the salad incorrectly or washed the dishes. I even learned how to do minor repairs in the house.

I haveloved one, but I'm in no hurry to go outmarried , I’m not afraid that he will change his mind and I will be left alone. I have already learned to live alone and appreciate freedom. But if I decide to get married, I will never repeat the mistakes that happened in my previous family life.

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