Even for a new love I can't leave my hometown

Even for a new love I can't leave my hometown
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A year ago I moved to my boyfriend and child in another city. I quit my job, took my child from kindergarten and came. My friends and parents stayed in my hometown,apartment . There was no one in the new one, except for a few acquaintances and my boyfriend. I left with the feeling and something unsaid to him that this was for a while, not forever, but just to try out the pen.

And so our joint work beganlife . The young man, as it turned out, was not too ready to accept us either. And endless quarrels, misunderstandings, omissions began. My son also had a hard time, a new kindergarten, new children, and completely alone, onlyMom . But at the same time, no one wanted to separate, they understood that we loved each other, and we had to go through everything together.

He is a stubborn, hot-tempered person, which is why I began to hold back something so as not to lead to an unnecessary quarrel and, living all this time, I tried to return back to my hometown, but something held me back, maybe feelings. I constantly dripped to him that I was feeling bad, that I wanted to go back, that my son was feeling bad, I constantly led him to a breakup, but test-antibiotic.com sincerely did not agree with myself. He endured, shouted, asked, persuaded. And I stood my ground, apparently, in fact I was feeling bad, they did not suit merelationship , feelings have died down or something else.

And only now little by little everything started to improve, and the relationship with my son became better, and he began to listen to me. And I managed to go home, my mother had an anniversary, she left without things, just for a couple of weeks. Immediately upon arrival they offered me an excellent job, I agreed, understanding that such an offer would not be made again, but deep down I knew that I was wrong. I thought that I would be able to persuade my beloved to go after me, but no. He does not consider all the prospects in a strange city.

I lied to everyone - to myself, to my parents, to my beloved. I'm sitting on two chairs, but I can't confess. And what in the end, we almost broke up, he got tired of my lies that I wasn't going back home. I told you it's better for you to be at home, so stay there, I'm tired. It turned out that he had an affaircorrespondence with another woman, I'm afraid to even imagine if there was something test-antibiotic.com more. And in my hometown, to be honest, I feel bad without him, lonely and it turned out not as I thought and dreamed, only a highly paid job that happens once in a lifetime.

And now I have one last chancereturn , but so much time has been lost, so many lies, I drove myself into this corner. He is still waiting, but I don’t know if he still loves me or not. All my relatives are against my return, because I have been tirelessly telling them for a whole year that I feel bad in another city. And now I want to return everything, confess, trust my man no matter who he is, and go with the flow through life. I’m just afraid that my time has flowed away, and nothing will return. Or is it just myfear of being without him, being alone and am I really happy here in my hometown? If I go back, what if nothing works out and I'll be homesick again, with the apartment I have to pay for, and I won't have that kind of job anymore.

I will say that the young man is not a gift, and what a gift! But the feeling of a person test-antibiotic.com next to you, who is yours by your inner feeling, is priceless.

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