Money determined a daughter's love for her father

Money determined a daughter's love for her father
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a story here about howmy husband helped his ex-wife and I’ll tell you how it was for me. MyI have a husbanddaughter from her first marriage. She does not live with her mother, herthe mother lives with a young lover, the daughter lives with her grandmother, which, however, does not prevent her from being a copy of her mother and obeying her in everything.

I'll tell you how they divorced my husband - you won't believe it. My husband officially left them two apartments, a dacha and a car. Plus alimony - 30% of income, the income is not bad, we are in Ukraine and alimony is slightly higher than the average salary in Kyiv. You can live without working. But they found a way to get crazymoney . Every month my daughter needed shoes (several pairs), a bag, or jackets. The husband obediently gave money, and since he does not understand prices, these two ladies told him that the sandals were much more expensive. And he believed, obediently giving 300 bucks for the next pair. Shoes were indeed bought, but at a real price, or even at a sale price, and the difference went into your pocket.

I was surprised when I realized what was happening. To begin with, I tricked my husband into collecting checks. We live in Ukraine and our legislative framework in terms of alimony has changed a lot, so I started feeding him various articles on this topic and convinced him to collect checks. The ladies, of course, could not provide checks; they got scared and became quiet. But this was enough for six months. Then everything went according to plan. I was angry and didn’t know what to do, since my husband and I have a joint account - my money goes there (from renting out real estate), his money, and the end result is that he spends everything he earns on his daughter, and we live on mine.

No, we were not poor, and had enough for normallife , but I didn’t like this state of affairs - who would? One day I decided it was hit or miss, and I opened a separate account - a deposit account. At the same time, we were building a house. And when at the end of the month my husband came running and said that the workers needed to be paid, I shrugged and said that I could not withdraw money from the deposit, and let him put his own. He darted here, darted here and got into the account that we had for the children’s education. This is where my finest hour has come! I told him everything I thought about this topic, showed him with my fingers where everything was spent, reminded him of 6 pairs of boots for 200 bucks (why does a 15-year-old girl need them?), poked his nose at the machinations of his daughter and wife and said that I'm serving ondivorce .

We didn’t talk for a month, after which my husband fixed alimony in a fixed amount (my ex was mad as hell, but she couldn’t do anything), the amount became adequate. He also began to demand justification for money requests (what, where, to whom, why) and reports in the form of checks. Yes,their relationship with their daughter has become cooler, but there was no smell of love on her part before, it’s just that now she is much less interested in him, as far as I know, now they have taken on the parents of the ex-wife’s lover, they are processing the land for sale plot.

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