The girl is tired of forgiving me

The girl is tired of forgiving me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have been dating a girl for more than two years,There was love until the grave, they could not live a day without each other. Since I understand a little about people, I saw that this love was sincere. But no matter how good everything was, after half a year of relationship I began to make huge mistakes. The first problem was that I began to look at other girls and actively communicate on social networks, although I had enough with my other half and love her very much. It’s just that in life I am a very sociable person and cannot sit in one place (Sagittarius). The first time I fell in love with a girl much older than myself, my other half found out about this from a general correspondence, where I wrote that I loved her and could not live without her.

It was a very strong blow for her, but she forgave me and gave me a chance, saying that she loved me so much. that he can't quit. Three months later, also on the Internet, she discovered that I was communicating with my former classmate who lives abroad and was going to visit her. There were tears, scandals, hysterics, but again I forgave everything. Why I did this, I don't know. Naturally she knew about everythingMom and tried to turn her against me, which she hasn’t succeeded in so far.

The second big problem was that under alcohol I stopped restraining my emotions and didn’t watch my words and actions. Any feast meant a scandal and a quarrel, which ended with me crashing my car, breaking my limbs and much more. The last straw was that in front of her friends, while intoxicated, we had a huge fight and I insulted her.

Due to her studies, she moved to another city, and I tried to visit her 3-4 times a month. Until she said she wanted to break up. I didn’t take her words seriously; I was sure that she would forgive me this time too. It turned out not. After a two-week pause, we met and she said with tears in her eyes that she loved her, but could not give her a second chance. I did a lot of work on with myself, realized all the mistakes and, having drawn all the solutions to our problems on paper, I came to it. This touched her and she seemed to begin to stop doubting.

But for no reason the other day she declares that she has stopped loving me, our relationship has no future and she wants to be free, since she liked it during these two weeks. Newgirlfriends , get-togethers, parties and so on. And after that I only realized that we begin to appreciate only when we really lose. Every day it gets harder and harder, I can’t even look at other women, I immediately imagine her. She had exactly the same feelings throughout the entire two years, but now everything has become exactly the opposite, we have switched roles. I ask for your help, howbring love back? After all, if it existed, it cannot fade away in two weeks.


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