To meet her grandchildren, the daughter-in-law put forward new conditions

To meet her grandchildren, the daughter-in-law put forward new conditions
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Mymy daughter-in-law is terribly afraid of getting coronavirus and since last year she has turned her house into an impregnable fortress. By and large, I don’t want to meet her again, but I really miss my grandchildren. We didn’t see each other very often before, but at least I could take the children with me or go for a walk with them. And now she has completely blocked access to them, allegedly because of the likelihood of infection.

The son also took her side, he is henpecked, and he admits it himself. Howthe wife will say so it will be. I'm surprised who he went after. My husband and I are quite normal people, of course we are also afraid of getting infected, but what now, don’t leave the house? We work, communicate with friends, go to the country,life goes on, you just need to adapt to new circumstances. But it is useless to prove anything to the daughter-in-law, she is the smartest and does not want to listen to anyone.

Now she has a new idea - vaccination. She got vaccinated herself and forced her son to get vaccinated, although it hasn’t gotten to the children yet. And she set a categorical condition for my husband and I: until we get vaccinated, we won’t see our grandchildren. I’m 54 years old, I’m allergic and I’m not good with medications at all, let alone some incomprehensible vaccine concocted in a hurry. She knows this, but still stands her ground. And it even seems to me that this is just an excellent reason to keep us at a distance.

To be honest, I don’t know what to do, I just give up. My son says that there is nothing wrong with the vaccination, there was a couple of days of weakness and that’s all, but I don’t want to take risks, and where is the guarantee that my daughter-in-law won’t come up with something else.

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