The daughter wants to live with her father and his new wife

The daughter wants to live with her father and his new wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

A month ago I haddivorce , I was left alone with my 11-year-old daughter. But the worst and most offensive thing is thatmy daughter doesn’t want to live with me, but wants to live with her father and his new wife. She likes her more because she is always beautiful and elegant. He even lets her try on his elegant, beautiful dresses that I don’t have. I have to leave my daughter with my father when I go to work; there is no one else to leave the child with.

The topic of dresses is a very painful one for my daughter. And newmy wifeMy husband takes my daughter to beautiful events where they are appropriate, and she puts them on in front of her daughter. More than once, when I came to my ex-husband to pick up my daughter, I saw her trying on these evening dresses that fit her new wife, and at the same time she was all happy. Of course, it’s unpleasant for me.

Now I’m thinking, maybe I should really let my daughter go live with her father and his new wife? During this time, should I establish a positive and healthy environment in my life and home, save up money for a decent apartment and entertainment for my daughter?

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