Two sides of the same coin

Two sides of the same coin
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read many different stories on this site and decided to write my own.

There are two sisters, with a slight difference in age, about a year. Always together, they were sent to school in the same class, graduated from the same institute, and graduated at about the same timemarried ​This is where the fun began. The family in which the sisters grew up was completely ordinary in terms of housekeeping, of course,mother cleaned and cooked,the father , having heroically knocked out the carpet on his day off, rested on the sofa the rest of the day, and the sisters also participated when possible. The older sister got ithusband , whose mother was a fan of cleanliness, home-cooked food, ironed shirts, etc., to which she began to actively attract her daughter-in-law. Don’t sleep an extra hour in the morning, get up to wash the floors in the morning, you can’t go to a cafe - it’s not tasty, it’s dirty and expensive, in general,a family is, first and foremost, a home, which means that after work you need to run there and polish it up. Of course, this only concerned the female part of the family; the husband can sit in a sports bar with friends, he is a social being, andwife , home As a result, the young wife became angry, tired, constantly irritated, etc. within a year of

Now about the youngest. Her new relatives were indifferent to everyday life. Everyone worked, and breakfast and lunch took place in the public catering facility. The floors haven't been washed for months, the clothes are mostly jeans and sweaters, there's no need to iron them. Everyone had their own hobby on which they spentmoney and time, my mother-in-law said that she was not interested in cooking and cleaning. In general, the young wife was the only one who kept this house clean. The sisters were not happy with their newlife (both moved to live with their husbands), but they wouldn’t want to change places either. So what should I advise them?

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