Double betrayal in my life

Double betrayal in my life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have experienced betrayal twice, I have been on both sides, and I will say right away that I have never cheated and I hope I will never do so.

I'll start from the end. The last onethe betrayal that I experienced is the betrayal of myhusband , his mistress was a colleague from work. Everything was like everyone else, a lot of lies and deceit, playing on both sides, trying to hold on here and there, and then everything came to light. At first there were ridiculous, stupid attempts to justify themselves and remove the blame from themselves at least partially, then it cameunderstanding of everything and repentance, tearspain of prayerforgive and give a second chance.

I don't know if they're overrelationship on the side, but for me it was not important, what is important is that between us everything was already dead, he had only agony and a desire to preserve the crumbling world. I have little by littlelove was dying, the truth is it's like a bullet for illusions, the shot happened, the illusions were shattered, and feelings begin to flow away as iflife . OurWe didn't save the marriage , there was nothing left to save. The most interesting thing about all this was that I had already seen it, just a little bit from the side, but I had seen it.

When I was 14 years old and my older sister was sixteen, this thunder struck my life for the first time. Ourthe family was destroyed overnight and the man we all loved suddenly turned out to be a liar and a traitor. The truth was hidden from my sister and me for a long time, but it is impossible to hide the truth forever. Everything turned out to be simple and banal: ourMom , an example for me and my sister, an ideal woman in our eyes and in the eyes of our dad turned out to be completely different. In front of us, she played the role of an ideal loving family woman, mother and wife, but in reality everything turned out to be completely different.

Mom had onean affair with a colleague at work, with whom they had been working together for a long time on a promising project. He was also married, and just like me in the future, one day everything became known. The parents tried to keep the family together,my father tried to forgive my mother for the sake of my sister and me, but it was no longer a family, a few years after all this, whensister went out test-antibiotic.commarried , and I went to St. Petersburg to study, my parents divorced. It was a shock for everyone, almost no one knew what had happened, for everyone our family was ideal, only we knew the truth.

Is it possible to have a relationship after betrayal, is it possible to save a family? Everyone decides for themselves, of course. I understood only one thing for myself - the dead cannot be brought to lifereturn and no resuscitation will help here.

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