Confession of a single mother

Confession of a single mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I often heard from my friends that their husbands did not want children and were not even happy about the pregnancy, but whenthe child was already born, they became loving fathers, and some even wanted one more child.

My husband and I had the same thing. At first, we seemed to agree that we would live for two or three years for ourselves, and then we would plan the birth of a child. But five years have passed andmy husband was so used to comfort, to the fact that he had all the attention, he could go anywhere, earn money only for himself, that he didn’t even want to hear about the child. I never thought he was such a selfish person. When I said that we have an inferiorfamily without children, he just waved it off, buta friend once told me that I was wasting my time with him, that I needed to start a normal family while I was still young.

I didn’t want to get a divorce, I love youmy husband , and my age is not so young - 29 years old. My mother said that my husband simply doesn’t love me, that’s why he doesn’t want a child from me. But instead of divorce, I used a trick and got pregnant a month later.

When my husband found out, he started shouting that he had warned me that he didn’t need this child and if I didn’t have an abortion, he would file a lawsuit.divorce . I was sure that he was simply scaring me, since I did not listen to him, but two months later my husband left me, and then we filed for divorce. I tried to control myself so as not to harm the unborn child, but I was not very successful.

And now I'm lonelymother with one year old son, whommy father never saw it. I am happy that I have a child, but I often wonder if I did the right thing?

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