The betrayal that might not have happened

The betrayal that might not have happened
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I prayed for a good guy, but I got a broken, albeit good man. He treated me well, did everything that was needed, but he had one flaw - he was jealous. He said that if he did not get what he wanted, he would leave for another or another would give him what he needed. I considered this immaturity and another experience of my life, cheating on him while away at the beginning of our relationship after those very words were spoken.

I was looking for peace for myself between two men after an intimate relationship, I realized that it was a big mistake. I realized that a chance should be given to exactly that oneto the guy who courted me more, was kind to me, sweet, if not for his jealousy! I thought I could handle it, but I prayed for my sin, cried at night, asked the Almightyforgive me for being blind and stupid.

I told myself that I would do everything possible to make this man happy for the rest of his days, no matter what it cost me. And after these words II tried to make him happy every day , but he became more and more jealous of me for everyone. Sometimes it becomes unbearable. Recently he found out the truth, I told him that I cheated on him, I told him the reason, that he said unnecessary words to me and was not serious, and that it was not only my fault. I said that women look for protection at home, protection of the person they fell in love with, but not finding him, they start looking further.

Let it be wrong, let it betreason is a sin, but thislife and I try not to make such mistakes again.

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