How to fight or put up with your husband’s greed?

How to fight or put up with your husband’s greed?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to tell you my story about my relationship with my husband, in the hope of just hearing your opinion and, perhaps, learning something useful for myself from these tips. My husband and I have been married for 6 years, we have a son. This is the secondmarriage for my husband and first for me. In his previous marriage he already has an adult son.

I began to notice for a long time that mythe husband is very greedy. This is expressed in many things. He hides his salary from me. More precisely, he doesn’t hide it, but greatly underestimates it, never tells me the truth how much he earns. I began to understand that we could buy many things that we really need, butMy husband constantly says that we can’t afford it. My husband spends as much as he needs on himself. He has two expensive premium cars, but I have a small car, and it turned out that my husband even told his friends that he bought his wife not the same car as himself, but a cheap one. My husband's friends hint to me that we are doing well financially, and just openly laugh at us.

Over the 6 years of our life, my husband has never hinted at buying or giving me a fur coat, but constantly insists that it is expensive for me. One day I, upset by thisrelationship , she said that I would wear the fur coat that my previous boyfriend gave me about 10 years ago, and he said: “of course, wear it.” A couple of years ago, I had to sell the dacha that I inherited from my grandfather, because we wanted to buy a larger apartment, and he said that he didn’t have enough. I sold it, I thought it was true, but it turned out he was lying to me again. That is how we live.

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