How to deal with a lazy and sloppy wife?

How to deal with a lazy and sloppy wife?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMy wife has stopped taking care of herself and it worries me a lot. We have been married for 10 years. We have two wonderful children, 9 and 3 years old. There have always been problems and scandals with my wife because of her sloppiness and laziness. This manifests itself in absolutely everything, including the home and personal hygiene. The house was always a mess, things were scattered. Cleaning only after a scandal. Something would spill on the floor and spread throughout the entire apartment. I had to clean everything, chasing away the running children.

It seems like we talked and agreed to share household chores, but nothing worked out. My wife collapses on the couch, and won't even occupy the children with anything. It's not a problem for her not to wash for several days, not to brush her teeth. She comes out of the toilet and, without washing her hands, starts eating, unless I point to the bathroom.

There was no sweater or blouse for work, she would pull it out of her dirty laundry and go. Well, put something else on. So she starts: "What are you talking about, this is not it at all." We come back from a picnic, the children are all in the sand. The first desire before bed is to wash and wash the children. And again: "It's late, I need to sleep." And she herself, right in her jeans, falls into bed. The eldestI taught my daughter to be clean and wash herself when she was six. And now she constantly says thatMom doesn't wash at all, which causes the wife to get angry, as if she were a teenager.

I was on a business trip for 3 weeks. During this time, my wife washed my youngest child and changed his clothes three times. After work, she would pick him up from kindergarten and go straight to bed in his pants and blouse, and in the morning, in the same day, to kindergarten.

We get up together in the morning, but I do everything for the children. I dress the youngest and feed him. If I'm not home, my wife will give the child a bottle of milk and off to kindergarten. That's the case today. I got up later than my wife. I dressed the child, prepared food for the children, wiped the tables andrefrigerator , sorted out the dirty laundry and ran away with the children, fortunately on vacation. The wife stood in the kitchen in the same position all this time and made excuses that she needed to take care of the child.

Aboutsex a couple of times a month I will not say anything. I consulted with friends, they answered me: "Be glad, at least she does not nag you." And indeed, I am very grateful that she supports my interests. She gave me the opportunity to finish my studies.

I am very tired. I am tired of raising three children. I was also sloppy in my youth. But the years passed and I got used to everything. But how can you explain that a person is already 30 years old, not 14, that she is a wife andmother and it's time to start behaving accordingly, and not getting offended at every turn? I want to save my family. It's very difficult to destroy what you yourself have created.

What to do?

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