How can I break up with a guy without offending him?

How can I break up with a guy without offending him?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I never thought that I would have to set myself such a task - to break up with a guy. To be honest,I'm a pretty girl , but very insecure. When all my friends already had boyfriends, I felt somehow lonely and terribly inferior, because at that time I didn’t have a boyfriend yet.

Now I understand that it was stupid to want everything to be like everyone else. It seemed to me that if at the age of 17 you have not yet met a guy, when everyone around you is already dating, then you can safely give up on you. In fact, the problem is completely different.

A guy should only appear when you really love someone, feel in love. But I just can’t fall in love. There is some emptiness in my soul. I seem so cold and insensitive to myself.

There were fleeting dates and she returned disappointed. I am very afraid that I will never be able to love anyone with all my heart. Although everyone says that everythinglife is still ahead, what is 18 years! 18 years is youth, which requires that the first be the most beautiful and stronglove that I don't have.

So then in old age there will be nothing to remember. There is no romance, no flowers and confessions, and all because I don’t love anyone. It seemed like I fell in love. I have such a character - I light up quickly, like a match, and go out just as quickly. I achieved my goalthe guy paid attention to me, and then I realized that I didn’t need him at all.

I was disappointed in him, like everyone else. But he, on the contrary, fell head over heels in love. “Beloved, dear, princess, how glad I am that I have you” - I can’t hide how pleasant it is when there is someone who writes such words. But my heart remains cold, all this is not what I need.

There are no feelings on my part. DalaI have hope for the guy , I thought, I’ll go for a walk a couple of times and the situation will change, I’ll take a closer look at him, maybe I’ll like him again. So I continue to communicate with him, hug and kiss him against my will, but I can’t tell him that I don’t love him. Rather, I will continue to torment myself with such relationships in, but I won’t say.

I don’t want to hurt him when he loves so much, but I don’t want to force myself either, I’m tired. This is some kind of dead end, everyone advises: “Well, stop it already, have courage and tell everything honestly.” Easier said than done.

I was disappointed in him because he turned out to be like everyone else. He doesn’t need education, doesn’t have any interesting interests or hobbies, and doesn’t read books. Without a goal in life. And with my boyfriend, I would really like to visit museums and exhibitions, go to theaters, and talk about any cultural and political topics.

I want him to dress like a cultured person, I want romance and flowers. Maybe I want too much, I don’t have the right to demand it? Maybe she just built an image of a non-existent ideal in her head?

He writes exactly the same as everyone else - you want to revile you. At the sight of this, rage boils in my soul, he is no longer indifferent to me, he really drives me crazy. He is already making plans for our jointthe future , even dreams of children. How can you build a future with such a person?

In general, I hate myself and torment everyone. I hate that I’m so selfish and weak-willed that I can’t make up my mind, I hate myself for my insensitivity. Maybe someone had this? I beg you, help me, I will be glad to listen to any advice.

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