How can I explain to my girlfriend that I don't like going to nightclubs?

How can I explain to my girlfriend that I don't like going to nightclubs?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Yulia and I have been dating for six months now. We study at the same university, although our groups and specialties are different. It seems that we have complete mutual understanding on the main issues, we don’t quarrel over trifles, but there is one topic in which we just can’t find a common language.

The fact is that she really loves going to clubs, all kinds of discos, bars, etc. But I’m a homebody, I would happily sit at home with my beloved, play games, watch TV series or read books. But for her it is “too boring.” And I don't know what to do about it.

Don't think, I don't skimp on the girl I love. I’m in my fifth year (Yulia is still in her second), so I can work, and my parents sometimes help financially. In addition, since we live just the two of us in an apartment that Yulia inherited from her grandmother, we don’t have to pay for housing. Even her parents pay utility bills; we just have to pay some of our expenses, which we do not want to advertise to and the need for which we do not want to discuss with relatives.

I really don’t understand why we have to spend all our free evenings “hanging out” somewhere. I'm tired at work, not to mention the fact that studying is much more difficult for me than for my girlfriend (a more complex specialty) and I would like to spend the weekend in peace and quiet. At least some days off.

But instead, I’ve once again “unobtrusively” been planning a trip since Thursday to another bar with an “amazing atmosphere,” which we, in the opinion of Yulia and her friends, should definitely go to on Friday or Saturday evening. To refuse means to run into a scandal, pouting lips and a spoiled mood.

Speaking of birds. Adding fuel to the fire are her friends, who regularly post photos from the next party and endlessly discuss which club they were in and what they did there. Sometimes it seems to me that the meaning of life for these creatures consists solely of entertainment, and rather monotonous ones at that.

It seems that they have not progressed beyond adolescence in their development. But I can’t stop my girlfriend from communicating with with her friends, right? I have to endure and fight with them for her time and influence over her, which I don't seem to be very good at.

I understand that myThe girl is manipulating me, that she has not yet grown up and gone crazy. I don’t want to lose her, I’m not going to leave her, I don’t want to quarrel with her and make her unhappy.

But I don’t know how to explain to her that just because we are young and healthy people, we don’t have to jump all night in a club or hang out in bars. We can, yes, but we shouldn't. How to explain that jointlife is not just one continuouscelebration in a nightclub?

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