How to accustom your husband to household responsibilities?

How to accustom your husband to household responsibilities?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The morning, as always, passed in a hurry, I prepared breakfast for everyone, and drank it myself on the and to work. During my lunch break, I had a quick bite to eat in order to have time to run to the shopping center to buy a gift for my friend, who is visiting tomorrow.birthday , and we are invited to visit. During working hours, I agreed with the repairman about the repair, for which I received a reprimand from the boss, verbal for now, but it was still awkward. I’ve been wanting to change the interior of my apartment for a long time to make it more comfortable and have more space, butmy husband said that he was happy with it anyway. I had to buy it in the eveningfood and methodological literature on mathematics for my son’s school.

I came home already so tired that I just wanted to lie down and go to sleep, but my husband, lying in front of the TV, asked with dissatisfaction: “why are you so late, and there won’t be dinner today?” My son was sitting at the computer with headphones on and didn’t even notice my arrival, but when he was little, he always met me from work, rejoiced at my arrival, and helped me unpack my bags. Now he is thirteen and you won’t be able to help him with anything, just like test-antibiotic.comhusband , by the way, too.

I silently went to the kitchen to prepare dinner and there I could no longer stand it and burst into tears. But why should I do everything alone, why doesn’t anyone help? All this is so unfair and offensive. At first I tried to involve my husband in household responsibilities, but I only heard excuses: he doesn’t know how, he doesn’t know how to do homework with a child, I have to go shopping with him, he hangs up the washed clothes so much that I don’t want to ask for more. It seems like he’s doing this on purpose to make me fall behind. Mine speaks the truthMom , that's inept, and my hands don't hurt.

The son, too, looking at his father, got used to the fact that he had no responsibilities in the house. Or he could run out shopping and vacuum the apartment, or at least clean up his room, where all the things are scattered haphazardly.

I'm afraid that someday I won't be able to stand it and will explode, because my patience is already at its limit. I’ll suggest sitting down this weekend and discussing everything together, explaining that I can’t pull the whole house by myself. Well and if it doesn’t help, then I will also do the same as they do: I’ll come home from work and sit down to watch TV, and whoever wants to eat, let him look for it himself or go to the store. Let's see if they like my behavior. If not, it's theirsProblems .

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