How to forgive and let go of your ex-husband?

How to forgive and let go of your ex-husband?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I never thought that I could have such crazy feelings for a person. We met 9 years ago, and ourThe relationship began to develop quite quickly. He was very proud of me, introduced me to his parents and we were very happy. At a certain point, a miracle happened and I became pregnant. He was happy and proposed to me. We were very young and were not ready for the real hassle of family life. Apparently, our parents thought the same thing, and they very proactively began to resolve housing and wedding issues. But something has changed. The parents couldn’t agree among themselves, and so we couldn’t either.

In general, at that time everything was not going well. He became cold, and at one point, 2 weeks before the painting, he said that he didn’t love me. We already lived together then. This was a big blow for me and everything turned upside down. I packed my things and went to my mother. I cried for days, didn’t want to see anyone. During this period of suffering, he was simply hanging out with friends. As I found out later, he cheated on me. A month later he came with the words that I will not leave you with the child, I will help.

I cannot convey how I felt at that moment. I understood that it was very difficult to believe him, but I was bothered by the thought that I was afraid to be alone with the child. I gave him a chance, but nothing changed. I continued to live with my mother. He didn’t work, disappeared constantly and sometimes just came to spend the night. When he came, he said that he was constantly thinking about how to make moneymoney and that by disappearing, he solves these issues. I naively believed.

In the end, it turned out that he had one woman, another. That he even proposed to someone. There was a moment when I realized that I didn’t want to live. I raised my child alone. And he seemed to be there, but I didn’t feel it. There was no help, nothing. Only promises. I didn't understand why I had to give it up. I loved and was fiercely jealous. I suffered a lot. After 3-4 years I got tired of putting up with it. I became tougher. I stopped paying attention and hoping for him. I had goals, but I couldn’t think about the fact that we wouldn’t be together. Everything got worse, he began to drink, beat, and humiliate.

One day I gathered my courage and ended this relationship. At that time, I was already working and could afford to live alone with my daughter, which is what I continue to do. And it became easy for me. I met a young man, we became good friends. But soon he appeared. And this began the crazy time of his tears. He wanted to return. I thought that he would cry for 2 weeks and then realize that he didn’t need me. But this did not happen. He could not control his emotions, he knocked out doors and windows. Cried. Asked me to come back. That young man, seeing this, simply left. Then he admitted that he was afraid of his threats.

At some point, I allowed myself to communicate with my ex-husband again. I understood that it is better to communicate than not to communicate. I admit, at one point I began to believe that he would improve. But nothing changed. So he became calmer. Everything was good for moments, and then he remembered everything and poured dirt on me, that I was an immoral, promiscuous woman. The further he went, the worse his insults became. Then I again thought that it was a big mistake to communicate with him again.

A year has passed since then. But he also cries to come back. Not receiving a positive response from me, he freaks out and begins to insult me. And it hurts me. After all, I have feelings for him. But talking to him is useless. He can notforget , and doesn’t understand why I did this. He blames me for everything. That I killed his dream. I understand that there is no such thing as a miracle. But if you really asked me what I want? I would answer that I want him to forget everything, stop acting aggressively, stop humiliating me, and we would be together. But this doesn't happen.

Now he hasgirl , but he also comes crying and asking to be let in at least for the night. I'm in pain. I don't know how to let him go from my heart, because... he himself does not allow to do this. I understand that I have very big feelings for him. We had a good time together. I have a favoritedaughter , who turned 6 this year. And ithappiness for me, and for this happiness I thank him and forgive many things. He says that we will still be together, but continues to lead the same lifestyle and live with that girl.

Mymy friend says that I'm tormenting myself because I want to be with him, but I don't accept him like that because I'm very offended. I don’t understand his actions, his actions. And I don’t know how to live with it either.

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