How to divorce your husband and not lose your apartment?

How to divorce your husband and not lose your apartment?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 31 years old, my husband is 35 years old. I have been married for 13 years, we have children together, 11 years old and 4 years old. Life was good at first. But with the birth of my eldest sonthe husband began to change; he was not satisfied with the difficulties and worries of raising a child. I did everything, never helped with anything. Started drinking. We lived an average life, fought and made up, a second one was bornchild . The situation has escalated. Not only did he not help at all with the child and around the house, he began to drink terribly, to such a state that he could not stand his legs. He began to raise his hand and insult him for not washing the dishes or for the fact that the child was crying and preventing him from sleeping.

After maternity leave I went back to work, I earn moneymoney , less than him, of course, but enough. During maternity leave with his second child, he did not give us money, practically did not buy anythinggroceries , but paid the mortgage. My parents helped me, paid my rent, gave me money for food and clothes.

My husband started drinkingevery day . He comes home from work, gets drunk and sleeps. He will eat what I cook for the children. And after work I have a lot to do and do homework with the older one and spend time with the younger one, and cook, wash, etc. I go to bed after 12 at night, and my husband is already sleeping soundly by 20:00-21:00. On weekends, he can sleep for two whole days, doesn’t do anything around the house, doesn’t even wash the dishes after himself, and if I ask him to wash the dishes, he can simply break them, throwing them on the floor.

The trash can was overflowing one evening, so he scattered this garbage all over the kitchen, scolded me for not throwing it out on time, and forced me to clean everything up. He doesn't pay any attention to the children, as if they don't exist. The elder generally avoids him. Because when the husband gets drunk, he can just come up to him and beat him up. I once tore his T-shirt becausethe son ate in the room and did not immediately take the dishes away with him. At the same time, he didn’t even say a word to him why he beat him.

I tried to talk to my mother-in-law, but she doesn’t believe me and says that I’m making everything up myself. One day he hit me several times with a stool. I was covered in bruises, began to defend myself, and scratched his hand. He showed the scratch to his mother that I was allegedly beating him.

And every time we quarrel, he calls her and complains about me, throws mud at me, curses me. She believes him. He usually doesn’t talk to me sober, but when he gets drunk, he becomes aggressive, looking for something to cling to. One day I asked him for money for a new phone for my son, which he promised him for his graduation. My husband didn’t give me the money, I went and took it from his wallet, so he grabbed me, put a knife to my throat, and told me to give him his money immediately. He said that he would not give for me (which I do not ask for), nor for the children, not a ruble.

At home I hear only insults addressed to me. We haven’t had an intimate life for about a year, he doesn’t have another, he always goes home after work and seeks solace in a bottle. I understand that we need to get a divorce, such a family cannot be saved, butthe apartment is registered in his name and has a mortgage. I'm afraid to take a decisive step.

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