How to react to such a situation?

How to react to such a situation?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Everyone who communicates with me knows that I react sharply and actively to socialproblems , I am indignant, I write complaints, letters, and participate in social activities. And I couldn’t close my eyes to this problem. But now I really need the advice of caring people so that I can make the right decision.

Most of us have neighbors and I'm sure that everyone has faced numerous repairs, quarrels, parties, etc. It is worth noting that our sound insulation is poor. An ordinary family lives next to me:mother (working)father (truck driver) and two children (11 and 6 years old somewhere). Lately I have noticed that children have become isolated from society. All of themlife lies in the “home-school-home” system under the strict supervision and hand of the grandfather who comes to themevery day .

The peak of the situation is that screams are constantly heard from this apartment. First, every morning their screams wake up the mother, who is in a hurry to go to work, and only manages to call her children names, which brings the girls to tears and runs away. This is followed by the arrival of a vigilant grandfather, who continues this ode to insults, sometimes filling it with more obscene language. I see such passions every day. And I want to ask is this normal? Won't this method of education causeharm to children's mental health? Take their youngest girl, for example. After all, this is still a child with an unformed psyche who needs support and understanding, as he is going through a difficult period - going to school.

There is no need to throw stones at me now, because it is also difficult for parents to have patience; everyone’s nerves are not rubber. This is true! But why then give birth to these children if you don’t have time to devote time to them? This is wild for me, because I was brought up in a more or less quiet and calm family. So here it is. There are special government bodies that are supposed to monitor the education of minors. Maybe I should go there? Maybe only after talking with officials will they realize all the responsibility and change their behavior towards children? But onI cannot answer the question of where children are better off, with such parents or in an orphanage. Therefore, I really want to know your opinion regarding such a sensitive situation and hear what should I do - intervene or just ignore the voices behind the wall?

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