How to tell your husband that this is not his child?

How to tell your husband that this is not his child?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I found myself in a very serious situation: I’m expecting a child not fromhusband and I don’t know how to tell him about it.

We dated a young man for 9 years and ended up getting married. 2 years have passed since the wedding. Over these 2 years, I have suffered a lot mentally. Husband stopped working. He had a different focus - creating a business and realizing himself. I was supporting him at that time. There were many quarrels and conflicts. I still love my husband, but when did they start problems, we practically stopped living together. He went to his mother (they lived in my apartment). It almost came to a divorce.

I really wanted children, but he said that he didn’t want to and it was still very early, in 5-6 years, or even not a fact. I am already 28 years old and still have a negative Rh factor. My husband stopped perceiving me and didn’t care at all. It was difficult for me to live like this.

As fate would have it, I met my ex-boyfriend in the summer. We met 10 years ago. At first they were just friends, then both couldn’t stand it. He showed me such great care, gave me a lot of attention, gave me flowers (I haven’t received them from my husband for a very long time). He fell in love with me deeply. He asked me to leave my husband. But I couldn’t, because... I hoped thathusband will change.

In the end, I couldn’t stand it and we slept with my ex-boyfriend. I felt very good with him. I felt happy, and I hadn’t felt this feeling for a very long time! It was like a reward forlife with my husband.

In a month I will find out thatpregnant. I was both shocked and happy at the same time. I told my husband aboutpregnancy. He was shocked too. He told her to have an abortion (he thought thatchild from him). And if I don’t have an abortion, he will leave. I wrote to my exguy, he talked me out of it. He asked if it was his child. I was then afraid of the consequences and said that no, the child was supposedly from my husband. She told me that my husband left and left me. Formerguy said that we will then raise them together. But it is necessarydivorce. I fell into a trap: I couldn’t get a divorce because I loved my husband (and I still love, but I also couldn’t terminate the pregnancy. And I understood that, most likely, I would not become a mother soon, if at all I would become a mother with my husband.

As a result, we stopped communicating with my husband. I starteddepression, and my boyfriend pulled me out of it. But he also understood that I had lost interest in him and was thinking about my husband.

And we stopped sleeping together. This is extremely important for him. I was tormented by the situation, I decided to tell the guy that the child was his. But it was too late - he had already found himself a new girl. And when I heard the news, I was shocked. He said that I was deliberately pretending to be because I was jealous, and left, not believing me. I was in pain, I didn't know what to do.

A month later the guy wrote that he was bored. Because of the hell that I experienced, I already understood that I did not want to interfere with his happiness. And I regret that I told everything. And she backtracked. Having said that she was really jealous, and that the child really wasn’t his. As a result, we stopped communicating. I burst into tears, but having survived all this, I came to my senses and decided to enjoy my son and live for the sake of my unborn child.

And then the husband showed up. I asked forgiveness. He said that he loves and wants a child. That he was in shock and didn’t understand what he was saying or what he was doing. I forgave him, although, naturally, I couldn’t admit that I had a child from someone else. The husband wants to raise his son and is happy about him. I realized that I missed my husband madly and still love him. But I am tormented by the thought that the child is not his. And I can’t deceive my loved one all my life. And I don’t want to deceive myself, my husband, or my child.

Now I'm terribly depressed. I can neither eat nor sleep. I keep wanting to tell my husband the truth, but I can’t make up my mind. She made a lot of hints, but he doesn’t understand them. He believes that this could not happen.

My conscience really torments me and I worry abouthealth child. Sedatives are not allowed - the period is 7 months. I only drink valerian. I feel bad both physically and mentally. There are many fears: that the child will be like his biological father, that I won’t be able to lie all my life, that my husband will leave, I love him and won’t be able to live without him. And I’m very ashamed of my ownaction. It's like I'm in a cage, at a dead end.

Help, advise what to do. How to tell my husband that I am expecting a child from someone else? And is it even worth doing this?

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