How to behave with a guy who refused me?

How to behave with a guy who refused me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I had an episode in the past when I confessedthe guy in love, but he refused me. Several years have passed since then, and all this time I have been afraid that I will accidentally meet him on the street. We live in neighboring areas, the probability is small, but still there. I don't know how to behave if this does happen. I would like to look decent. Somehow to show that I’m happy that I forgot about him a long time ago.

Of course, deep down I would like him to regret that he abandoned me. In fact I still can't do itforget until the end. I cried my eyes out for him, as they say. I feel humiliated and regret that I ever confessed my feelings to him. He is a man with a tough character and great self-esteem. Ourcommunication initially developed in such a way that he seemed to show attention to me, but I didn’t like him as a person. Too cunning, too calculating, a womanizer. And that’s why I tried to stay away from him and not fall in love, although that’s exactly howI liked the man . Since he tried to close the distance, I drove him away with nagging, ridicule, and arrogance. And when he finally pulled away, I realized that I had fallen in love after all and couldn’t live without him. Tried to restore the good onesrelationship , but he no longer trusted me.

When I found out that he was planning a serious relationship with someone else, in desperation she confessed her love to him. He refused me, but from his answer I still didn’t understand what he thought about me. Maybe he took it calmly and with sympathy. Or maybe he gloated that I got into such trouble and humiliated myself in front of him. I think it's more the latter option. Then it turned out that all this was more than serious for me. But I couldn't do anything.

He married someone else. I cried and cried and realized that I had to finish this story and build my own personallife with someone else. Came outI’m getting married , trying to build a strong family. But the memories don’t allow me to finally find peace yet. And when I meet that guy, I don’t know which course of action to choose. Or don’t say hello at all and walk past, or pretend that I’m happy in my marriage and have forgotten him long ago, and generallythe confession was due to youth, stupidity. The fact that I would like him to regret that he abandoned me then does not mean that I would like to exchangehusband on him. No, I am categorically against cheating and in general forthe family was alone for life. I just don't want him tothe guy was glad that I still hadn’t forgotten him. If I don't say hello and run away, he might think I'm still worried. If I enter into a conversation, I’m afraid to somehow give away my interest in him, that I won’t be able to conduct the conversation the way it should, that he will again be happy and guess that I’m only pretending that everything is fine with me without him.

What is the best way to behave in such a situation?

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