How I met my mother-in-law

How I met my mother-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I was married for only three years, but that was enough for me to become disappointed in people. After the wedding, my husband and I lived with his parents. From the very beginning, my mother-in-law was constantly dissatisfied with everything. No matter what I did, everything was wrong. When I complained to my husband, he told me to learn to respect and obey his mother, because we don’t have our own home and won’t be able to buy it soon.

And I endured, adjusted as best I could. When I became pregnant, my mother-in-law said that it was too early for us to have children, but I didn’t listen to her and I don’t regret it.

When was ours born?son , I thought that life would be easier now. ParentsMy husband will love my grandson and will be kinder to me. But it turned out completely differently. Whenthe child cried, the mother-in-law made scandals. It turns out she needs peace, and the child interferes with her sleep.

My husband did not interfere in our quarrels, began to stay late at work more and more often, and hardly took care of the child. It was very difficult for me, but I endured for the sake of my son. I hoped that when the child grew up, would find an approach to the grandmother.

But one day I found out that myMy husband is cheating on me with his first love and my mother-in-law supports him in this, but she told me that it was my own fault that I couldn’t keep my husband. And I left them and filed fordivorce . My husband didn’t mind and even helped me move my things.

At first it was hard for me to be alone with a small child, but then I found a job, paid off my debts andlife gradually began to improve. But I wanted to take my son to the sea and update my wardrobe a little. And I used the services of a well-known company in our city and tookloan , because there was no one to borrow even a small amount of money from. And this was a way out of the situation.

But just recently I was visiting myA friend met a guy. He was a little younger than me. I did not hide the fact that I have a son. But strangely enough, he immediately found a common language with my child. But I had yet to meet his mother.

One day he told me thatMom is waiting for us to visit her. I was very worried and decided not to take the child to the first meeting, so as not to spoil the relationship from the very beginning. But my future mother-in-law greeted us warmly. And she immediately asked why I left my son at home. It turns out that she had already bought him toys and told everyone she knew that she already had a grandson. I am still grateful to her for this.

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