How can I live if even my mother doesn’t love me?

How can I live if even my mother doesn’t love me?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I haveThe problems are of course not on a wide scale, but I feel bad, like many in this life. The point is that he doesn't love meMother . Yes exactly. I spoiled and loved as a child, but I grew up and became fat. She doesn't love me, she insults me. She may want the best for me, but I just want to be loved by someone.

I live and study in the city, and my parents live in the village. Lately I don't want to go there. I'm not really welcome there, judging by their attitude towards me. A week ago we had a fight because I don't have a boyfriend. But I don’t want to discuss this, because for five years now mylove tothe guy is unrequited. But I can’t tell my mother this, because I know in advance her answer that this is my fault. Maybe she's right that everything depends on my appearance.

I cried and asked: “Does anyone love me?” Mom rashly said: “If you weren’t fat, everyone would love you.” Today, leaving for the city, I told my mother: “I love you.” She, as she was watching TV, did not turn to me, although I know she heard me.

And I don’t even want to write about that guy. I know that I won’t be with him anyway. I feel very lonely, I automatically do something, eat something, go somewhere. I turn off the phone, because no one calls me anyway. I have a severedepression , breakdowns, tears, I definitely needhelp support. To my shame, I started drinking.

How can I get over the fact that no one needs me? Nobody loves me at all. I don't live, I simply exist. I just want love, at least a little. I completely lost my peace of mind.

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