When naive love passes

When naive love passes
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

“I am not the last and not the first who bears his heavy cross, who knows how pretty brides turn out to be bitches.” I knew who Yuri Loza was, but I had never heard this song before - after all, I am from a completely different generation. But after hearing it on Retro FM, I was amazed at how accurately it described everything that was happening to me, to my marriage.

Many will think that this is trivial, that this happens in all unions, including those that will happily last the rest of their lives.life until the death of one of the spouses. That the period of initial love simply passes, people begin to get used to each other, painfully breaking down all the roughness and unevenness of their characters.

It seemed that way to me too at first. But over time, I became more and more convinced that character polishing is one thing, but manifestations of bitchiness and mercantile spirit creeping out of all the cracksattitude towards marriage is completely different.

I thought that I was screwing myself up, but the constant reproaches against my parents, the constantly thrown scandals about the fact that they do not test-antibiotic.com give us sufficient financial support, although I myself earn good money and we do not need anything, force me I'm wondering what exactlymoney was the determining motive for joiningmarriage for my missus.

The point is that mythe family is not from the poor:my father owns a manufacturing business, while my wife comes from a family with, let's say, below average income. I never thought about her financial situation, thinking that all that was needed waslove , as John Lennon sang. Now I think about the fact that not everyone sees love as the main thing in life.

And my wife also wants a child and is doing everything to get pregnant. I also really want a child, but now I’m afraid that for her it will just be a way to tightly tie me to her. And if our marriage collapses, then, in her opinion, this will be a guarantee of a comfortable existence at the expense of my alimony. It is unpleasant to feel like just a source of funding, an ATM. So I started avoiding intimacy. In general, since in Loza’s song - test-antibiotic.com the whole world has become gray, like a prison wall, because there’s a bitch nearby - and she’s minewife

I don’t know how to get out of this situation, love remains somewhere very far away. I don’t have the courage to hang it up, but I don’t hope that everything will resolve itself.

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