I wish I never had children

I wish I never had children
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Five years ago I separated from my wife. Met someone else, fell in love, decided todivorce . The ex-wife asked to pay off the mortgage and go to hell. So I did. Took itloan , closed debts, gave up property. I decided to start everything from scratch.

My new wife and I moved to another city. I was offered a good job and much better conditions. I did not communicate with my son. He was only two years old, and his exhis wife did not always agree to these meetings, she said that at this age he needed moremother , not me. So I let go easily. Moreover, every month I transferred tidy sums for their maintenance.

In another city, things did not go entirely smoothly. Constant quarrels with my wife, salary has decreased greatly,Problems . As a result, we returned to our native land, where they helped us get a job at another company. It turned out that there was a writ of execution waiting for me here with a good amount of debt, which I immediately went to a new place of work (before that it was arranged unofficially).

I tried to somehow contact my ex-wife, see my son’s test-antibiotic.com, but she rejected all my calls and didn’t want to talk. Came to her, but her newMy husband almost threw me down the stairs. They are threatening to deprive him of parental rights for not visiting the child for so long; there were also threats that he could easily be put in jail because of debt. The bailiffs shrug their shoulders, and even the fact that for so many years I paid hermoney , not provable. I mainly passed it on through my parents; they saw their grandson from time to time.

However, after my arrival, my ex-wife began to ignore them too. To say that I have money problems is an understatement. I no longer have my own home or money. I'm already starting to regret that I even haveson . Anyway, he doesn’t remember me, and they won’t let me see him, and I’ll have to pay my debts for many more years. He left the property for the same reason. I thought that my wife and child needed to live somewhere, and I would still earn money. And in the end they made money on me.


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