The man I love wants me to have plastic surgery and change my appearance

The man I love wants me to have plastic surgery and change my appearance
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When we were young, we liked each other with the same guy. Perhaps I liked him more than he liked me, but there was interest on his part too. We have similar characters and views onlife , because it was always interesting for us to communicate. We worked in the same company and had many mutual friends. But for some reason nothing worked out for us. I don't know who is to blame here.

Be that as it may, he wasa prominent guy , married one of my friends from our common company. She was very beautiful in her youth, just like a model in appearance. They went to live abroad, gave birth to a daughter, the marriage lasted many years, and then divorced.

I wasn't bored either. Came outgot married , gave birth to a son, got divorced. Then there were short-term romances that meant nothing. Despite the fact that I have an ugly face, I still have the figure of a young womangirls . And many men still like me.

We have been corresponding with that guy, or rather, now a man, for many years, when social networks became popular. He says that only my support helped him survivedivorce . He hadhealth problems that affect potency. He stopped satisfying his wife in bed, and she took a lover. Since my friend no longer loved her, she changed a lot in appearance, gained weight, and he did not hold on to thismarriage and divorced.

It so happened that I correspond not only with my friend, but also with this unfaithful wife of his. She and I were also friends. And it turns out that I learned about the divorce in advance from both of them at once. She kept silent about her lover, but she cried to me thather husband stopped loving her and left her, criticizing her as a mistress and foroverweight . Howmy daughter grew up and got married, began to live separately, then my friend allegedly began to lash out at his wife all the time.

I also supported her morally all this time, just like him. I didn’t tell him that I was corresponding with her. And I didn’t tell her that I was corresponding with him. But he is, of course, closer to me. And I am pleased to communicate with him. I think we could still work out something. But his behavior is somehow strange. After the divorce, he began to write to me several times a day, then he wanted to come and meet me. I was glad and agreed. But when he arrived, it turned out that he was also planning to meet all our friends from his youth. And among them there are many women. And many are already widows or divorced from their husbands. I support them allrelationships , texting, calling each other.

He and I hadsex when he arrived. And he told me that he wanted me to go live abroad with him. After all, myMy son is already an adult, and nothing is holding me back here. But first he would like me to undergo plastic surgery to improve my ugly face. This offended me a little. But, in general, the proposal was made, although he does not plan for us to get married, he just wants to live together.

Then, when he started going to meetings with our mutual friends, our mutual friends started writing to me. It turns out that he sometimes corresponded with them too, and went not only to me, but also to see them. But, as I understand it, I’m still in his first place, because he stayed with me. And sex was only with me. Although he somehow spent too much time visiting one of our friends and stayed there overnight. But I don't think there was anything between them. It was simply too late to return across the city.

It turned out that not only me, but also these women liked him. And, it seems, he invited two more to move in with him, but they don’t want or can’t. So he stayed in our city for a week and then left. He said that his offer to me was still valid. I promised to think about it.

And then his ex wrote to mewife ​It turns out that she did not know that he was going to the city of their youth. She found out because one of the mutual friends he met here told her. This friend also told her in confidence that he talked a lot about her, that he asked the friend to organize a support group for her, to support her, helped with advice on how to lose weight, get in order and improve your life. Because she is still a dear person to him, and he cannot look at what happened to her. His wife now has a complex about her figure and complains to me, and I calm her down.

We began to correspond with him less often. I know that he is now writing to many of our friends with whom he spoke during his visit. I told him that I was not ready to move abroad. He is upset, he persuades me. But one day he was on edge and told me that he probably still loved his wife, saying that she was the main woman in his life. And then in subsequent conversations he again persuades me to move.

I feel that of all the girlfriends of my youth, he is closer to me. And I think that we could be together. But I don’t want to have plastic surgery, otherwise, as I understand it, nothing will work out for us.

I don't understand his behavior. Why does he write to our other friends if he loves me?

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