My beloved betrayed me, but I can’t forget him

My beloved betrayed me, but I can’t forget him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My man and I broke up two years ago; before that we lived in my apartment for six months; he moved in with me from another city. We had a good time together, and he got along well with my two children. Six months passed, and he packed his things, said that he could not live in my apartment, receive a small salary, this was not for him, he packed up and left for another city, buying an apartment there. This was a big shock for me, I was very worried, especially since he began periodically writing and calling after some time. I kept hoping that he would change his mind and come back, and everycommunication was hope, but he began to call me to his place to sell my apartment in order to buy a house there. But I don’t believe him after what he did, and my parents are elderly, I don’t want to leave them.

I'm trying itforget , I understand that a person who broke all his promises and got ready in two hours can betray him in the future, although he now says that he doesn’t need anyone except me. He invites you to visit, but does not promise anything, I think he would be satisfied with a guestrelationship , but I’m not there. Every time our conversation leads to nothing, he just asks if I have someone, if I love him, and calms down on this, maybe not writing or calling for a month or two. Yesterday I called at three in the morning and was silent, the first time like this. In the morning I wrote, if you want to talk, then call and we’ll talk, and don’t be silent on the phone, he called, we talked and again there’s no certainty, I only hear from him, except “I can’t forget”, “you’re good”, “do you have someone,” “come visit,” but that’s all. And after these conversations I can’t leave for a long time. In my mind I understand that I need to stop this, but when he calls, I can’t help but pick up the phone, because I still hope that he will return.

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