My mom always puts me on diets

My mom always puts me on diets
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My mother constantly puts me on diets. I’m 12 and for most of my life, starting from a more or less conscious age, I’ve been on strict diets. Those. evenvegetables are not allowed. Potatoes, rice, boiledmeat (now you can’t even eat that). ANDthe problem is not even weight - with a height of 160, my weight is 33 kilograms, and my waist circumference is 52. The problem is also nothealth .

When I'm doing well -the mother begins to assure that everything is the other way around, goes to doctors and forces her to drink a bunch of pills. OnThe question of why they cannot answer directly. I feel perfect myself. And we both went to doctors, I heard, and I have nothing congenital.

You see, I’m also a child and I always want some kind of candy or something like that, but here it’s trite that you can’t even have a piece of a roll or lean bread. But when I still manage to avoid these diets, my mother does not feed me. In respect ofWe have food and let’s say we are not poor, but she refuses to cook or buy anything. Okay, mother is not a robot. But don’t feed to your child at all? I don’t demand any restaurant dishes, just plain porridge. The mother refuses, yells again, starts saying, I look like my father, because... I think that everyone owes me, that I am the worst child.

She also constantly puts pressure on the fact that she will die soon. Don't think about it, her health is fine. She constantly says this to my sister and me, as if we should feel sorry for her.

Accordingly, since she doesn’t feed me, I cook for myself. But there is no one to teach me. I look at some recipes, but not everything always works out. But what is, as they say. I buy everything I want for myself, in terms of sweets, but I don’t eat that much. They are, of course, also harmful. As a result, your stomach may hurt. And after that it starts again: screams that I’m worthless, that she’s going to die soon, that we need diets, diets and more strict diets.

And I also can’t go out for a walk in the yard in the evening (I live in a private house and our plot is surrounded by a high fence). Not to mention any park.

It pains me that she says that I am a worthless child. Which threatens to commit suicide. What says I'm the same as minefather .

I don't understand what is my fault? Is this all true? Should I listen to my mom? Even sometimes it seems to me that she herself needshelp , and she can’t raise three children herself for a second.

As they say, this is just the tip of the iceberg of my problems and grievances. But I really want to talk. I don't understand what to do next.

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