Mom is against my relationship with my boyfriend

Mom is against my relationship with my boyfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 20 years old. I’ve been dating a guy for a year and a half, he’s 25 years old and developing his own business. We love each other, we plan to get togetherfuture . Our relationship is like this: we often quarrel, but everything that aroseWe discuss problems , solve them together and come to a common conclusion.

I introduced him to my mother after six months of dating. At first she spoke well of him, but over time everything changed (perhaps she heard some of our quarrels and saw that I was in no mood). And one day she heard him screaming and swearing into my phone. And from that moment on, she threw me a tantrum, demanded that he come and apologize to her, that she raised me for the wrong reasons (she raised me alone, my father and I were divorced when I was 3 years old and we don’t communicate), that this would happen again, Whatlife with him will be a nightmare, I will suffer with him and ruin my life. And when she realized that I didn’t want to break up, she threatened that she would commit suicide if I didn’t do this.

The guy offers to rent an apartment and live separately, but I know that this will be even worse. Throughout my childhood, she forced me to study with excellent marks, and if I got a B, she threatened to send me to my father and said that she would disown me. The same story happened in college (in general, whenever I committed any offense, she “terrorized” me in this way, although I graduated from school and college with honors and was not known for bad behavior, I was always an exemplary girl). But despite all this, she explained it to me “as a human being” and surrounded me with love. I’ve been in no mood for a week now, crying over all sorts of trifles and secretly communicating with my guy. I wanted to talk to my mother, but I don’t know how to start a conversation and how she will react to it.

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