Mom forces my daughter and me to go on a diet and wants to control our lives

Mom forces my daughter and me to go on a diet and wants to control our lives
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a difficult situation with my mother. She always criticizes me, gives me instructions on what to do and how to do it. And if I don’t do it, she starts to get angry, insults me. I’m already over 30, there aredaughter ,husband . We live far from each other now, but even on the phone all this continues. And now he also gives instructions to my daughter, her granddaughter.

But the most painful topic is about excess weight. Since childhoodmy mother always told me that I needed to lose weight, although I wasn't fat, I was just plump. Now this continues almostevery day , it feels like there are no other topics. Now it's the same with my granddaughter: "We need to put the child on a diet." And she tells her this too.

The child is 10 years old. Every day 200 times he tells her to do something, makes her go on a diet. Then control, and requests with photos to confirm whether she did or not what grandma said. My daughter told me that she does not want to talk to grandma because she constantly accuses her of something.

Is this normal? How to deal with this? When I ask my mother to stop, she doesn't react and doesn't understand what I don't like. She starts getting angry, twisting all the words, and makes me feel guilty.

How can I explain that she shouldn't interfere and control our every step, shouldn't give orders to me, my granddaughter, with or without reason? After all, this ischild , God forbid, laterthere will be complexes . Help with advice, please

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