Mom's help is too intrusive

Mom's help is too intrusive
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 26 years old. Imarried . I am on maternity leave (my son is 2 years old). I do not feel like an adult, responsible for myself, my family, my child, because myMom is constantly present in this life and, as it seems to me, controls it.

With momthe relationship was always friendly, close, trusting. I always discussed any issues with her. That's probably why she now considers it normal to constantly advise and teach something. She worries about everything all the time, callsevery day many times. Tries to control everything, from whether I ate well to choosing a bike for my grandson. Before marriage it didn't bother me, but now it really irritates me, including myhusband . I understand that I need to tell her less about everything, but I want to share news, joys, etc. Mom can't feel the shame, she doesn't see what is appropriate to do and what is not, and it's awkward for me to hint, let alone say it outright. It will offend her, and I don't want and won't offend a loved one who has done so much for me.

But it is very difficult to receive endless lectures: do not go for a walk for more than an hour -the child will freeze (and then during the walk he will call and check how long we have been walking, whether his nose is warm), etc. Or discontent: if you buy that bike, and I don’t like it, I will still buy another one and my grandson will ride the best one, and not this dangerous wreck. And if you tell about some successes (the child sat down, walked, said his first word), then in response you will only receive another portion of instructions for us to better watch the child.

She also makes appointments for us with doctors all the time, prints out some articles for me, then starts giving lectures on what she has read, etc. If I delicately say that I don’t need her overly active help, Mom gets offended and says that she’s not doing anything bad and only wants the best for me.

Tell me what to do? How to reduce her presence in our lives? And show that we ourselves understand that we need to watch the child, feed him and check whether he is cold? I feel that my husband's patience is at its limit, and I myself am about to lose it.

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