My daughter hates me

My daughter hates me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My daughter is 35 years old and she hates me. She grew up in a complete family; my husband and I were the only one. We gave her a good education and a job. When she came outmarried , we left her our apartment, and we ourselves moved to live in the country. At our insistence, my mother-in-law transferred the garden plot to her, and I bought her a car. It would seem, what else is needed? But she hates us, does not allow us to communicate with our grandchildren, does not allow them to accept gifts from us. The eldest grandson is already 9 years old and he secretly talks to me on the phone so as not to anger his parents, and the youngest is 3 years old, he doesn’t know us at all. She quit her job in her specialty and sits at home with the children. I tried to persuade her to go to work and we could help look after the children, but it seems that she just doesn’t want to work.

They live hard financially; we used to help, but then we quarreled over this issue. We wanted to help them build a house in the country,the husband brought workers, but the son-in-law stood up and said: “Give me a million money, and I’ll decide what to do with it.” My daughter took my son-in-law’s side and for the second year we barely communicated. I have repeatedly tried to talk to her, but she answers me: “To communicate with you is only to spoil your nervous system.” I can’t find a place for myself, we did everything so that she wouldn’t need anything, and she threw us out of her life. I miss her and my grandchildren. My husband is also very worried, he hasHeart problems arose due to this. I turned myself into a “dog” who runs around and looks into their eyes, and they tell me: “get out of here.” The only thing that saves me in this situation is work, I work two jobs so that I can think less about what happened to me. What should I do? How to live with this?

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