My younger sister didn't appreciate my help.

My younger sister didn't appreciate my help.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a story here about how the parents only loved the youngest.daughter , and I want to share mine. Before my dad died, I was sure that my parents loved me and my sister equally. Although my dad was not my biological parent. My dad and I were always closer. You could just be silent around him. The youngestsister (11 years difference) was always closer to my mother. But I always loved her with all my heart. My first salary, my first vacation, my trips with friends - all this was for her, with her, for her. My firstchild .

And then dad passed away and it turned out that my sister got involved in some kind of financial pyramid with her parents' money and moneyhusband . And the parents remained poor in their old age. She divorced her sportsman husband, who earned 5-10 thousand dollars a month, and was left with a 7-year-old daughter on the neck of her retired parents. Dad tried to get her a job, but she was either not interested or the salary was small. She kept waiting for them to call her to work, and she would choose. They didn’t call She got a man who forbade her, for example, to meet dad at the airport when he was returning home from me. A taxi was not a problem, but the fact itself. Dad did not want to talk about it, it was very painful for him. My husband and I tried to help our parents, to spoil them.

And then dad passed away. Mom started having problems . My sister finally got a job and suffered terribly. I felt sorry for her. Then her exmy husband tried to sue her for part of the apartment (our grandmother's). The trial lasted almost 2 years. In the summer, during vacations, we took our niece to our place, dragged her to museums, exhibitions, spas, new cities, did activities, bought clothes. And now, when we can't take our niece (her studentdaughter's life - we all work). Resentments began. Resentments are voicedMom . Like, my youngest granddaughter (niece) doesn't have a bike, and it would be more convenient for my younger sister to ride in a jeep. That she and her sister want to live in the same new house (preferably in the same entrance - now they live 10 minutes away by foot in two 3-room apartments). And in order to sell the apartments well they first need to be renovated. The arguments that Mom doesn't need a 3-room apartment don't work. This is the sameapartment for the youngest granddaughter.

If anything, we didn't have our own place. We all earned our own money. We worked several jobs. We educated our daughter. This year we sold our old apartment and bought a spacious one in a new building. Our daughter bought herself a car. We only gave her a third, as promised. We believe that you have to achieve everything yourself. I send money to my mother every . To my sister, after she said that no one helps her buy winter tires, that other children's fathers leave factories as inheritance, but she didn't. I don't send her money anymore. She's offended and doesn't call.

Before my dad died, I had been living separately for 20 years - in another city and even in another country. Maybe that's why I didn't see the problem, my dad passed away and everything fell apart. And how do I deal with this now?

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