I'm tired of constant quarrels with my common-law husband

I'm tired of constant quarrels with my common-law husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My boyfriend and I started living together from the first day of our relationship. At that time I was 17 and he was 20 years old. MyMom approved of this and told him to live with us, since he hadthere were problems in the family. From the very beginning, he and I often quarreled and fought. But at the same time we loved each other madly. Then we moved to another city (after about a year of dating), to his parents' house. His parents lived in their other house. HisFor some reason my family immediately hated me. She insulted, humiliated and harassed me in every possible way. He never really stood up for me, because he believed that this was his family. Sometimes we quarreled with him to the point of fights.

They fought and swore heavily. Six months later, his parents set a condition for him: “Either we or she.” We went with him to my father's house. Myhis father is an alcoholic, he once had a huge cottage, but it was incredibly dirty, many of his friends are alcoholics. Previously, my father was a successful man until he started drinking, test-antibiotic.com and rebuilt this house. My boyfriend and I kicked out all his friends, cleaned up the house, renovated it, and more or less fixed it up.relationship with my father.

When we moved into my father’s house, there was no electricity, no gas, no water. Now we have everything (except for gas, we haven’t saved up the amount necessary for that yet). We broke up with him more than once after another quarrel, but we always lived together. And three days ago we had a big row. I complained about him to my friend. She was shocked that I allowed myself to be beaten. My boyfriend started insulting my friend, came to my work and complained to his boss and neighbors. He started threatening me with violence if I left him, etc. At the word “leave” he laughed. We quarreled because he hasn’t worked for three months and isn’t really looking for work, he’s myI didn't like the remark about this.

Yesterday we calmly talked about everything, he said that he loves me madly and cannot imagine life without me. What, let's give up everything on test-antibiotic.com and go to another city and live normally there. I offered him to leave for a while, but my mother andmy friend demands that I no longer forgive him.

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