I don't like my daughter's name

I don't like my daughter's name
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I never thought that it would ever be a psychological problem for mechild's name . Seniordaughter 's name is Polina, last year, in the fall, another daughter was born.

AllI went through pregnancy with the thought in my head that she would be Nastya. But my husband categorically did not like the name. He liked Elena. I don't. There are many in the family with this name, andMom Lena is with me. In the end, we chose a different name - Milena. I don’t know what happened in the maternity hospital, but I gave in to persuasionhusband and wrote down Elena. But while still in the maternity hospital, I understand that the name is not hers, and that I cannot accept it. I went to change it, but they told me it was too late, now only incourt .

As a result, I tried for 2 months to get used to the name, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t call the child him. Everyone at home called her Eli, which is an abbreviation of the name for this country. It seems that I started calling it that, but as soon as someone asked what my full name was, I felt like an electric shock, I didn’t want to say it out loud, I didn’t test-antibiotic.com want to say it in full. In the end, I decided to change my name. But since everyone already called her Eli for short, andthe child and friends and everyone, everyone, chose Elina as a replacement. To me it sounds more tender than Elena. The court approved the name. Now she is Elina. And here other problems arise in my head.

Did I do the right thing? But I couldn’t accept that name either, and it was hard to live like that, not calling the child’s name and without the joy of saying it. After the shift, some began to say that the names were too similar. Polina-Elina. Although I didn’t pay attention at that moment. In general, I don’t know what’s happening to me. Hormones maybe? But the name has already been changed, but there is no 100% satisfaction. Because, apparently, I was too tuned in to the name Nastya. And I got so confused in myself that there wasn’t enough anger. No, no, I’ll start thinking, is the name Elina suitable? Or maybe it would be Elena. What should I do?

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