My wife's suspiciousness goes beyond all bounds

My wife's suspiciousness goes beyond all bounds
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I love my wife, she is beautiful, young, faithful to me, and easily forgives my hot temper. I have two marriages behind me, and this, I hope, is the last time, since I tried to take into account previous stupidities and mistakes.

But my wife’s problem is extreme suspiciousness and dependence on other people’s opinions. First of all - your mother (andher father is henpecked), but what’s much worse is that almost a stranger can inspire her with anything.

For the first two years she tormented me with her jealousy. Because the woman’s serpentarium at her work vied with her to persuade her that “all men are cheaters.” What's interesting is that all this is femalethe team is older than her, some are under forty, and still notMarried . Then she gave birth.

This is my firstchild , and I, in fact, didn’t like children and was afraid of them. But the boy was born wonderful, problem-free and so positive, truly unusual. Appearance - at least for advertising baby food. And so it began. The baby did not have colic, he was teething, and we did not notice any sleepless nights. But is youngMom walked around pale, wringing her hands, consulting with her mother and worrying, worrying, stressing - 24 hours a day.

Almost immediately I began to take care of myself. She's going to work - I'm with the boy. Every 15 minutes a call: what, and how, and why. The mother-in-law intervened and began to stress that everything according to science should be done as it should be - vaccinations,medicines , examinations, hospitals. For whatdoes a guy who is not sick need all this? I don't trust doctors. Several times we took him for a “technical inspection”; I always went in first and explained to the doctor: “Please take into account that my mother is super suspicious! The doctors smiled knowingly, looked, and wrote down that everything was fine.

One dayMy son fell ill with a fever, so they called a doctor. CameThe doctor , cheerful, reassured me, saying that children’s temperature rises and falls, this is normal, he recommended the usual remedies. My wife calls me at work - I, she says, will complain about her, firstly, and secondly, I will go to the paid ones. Because the doctor didn’t find anything terrible. How's that? I started to lose my temper. I put a guy to sleep in 2-3 minutes. She suffers for two hours, he is capricious and torments her. It’s even worse: I put it down, turned away a little, and she pulled it out and was teasing it. It got to the point where I locked the nursery and took it with me.

The worst thing is that the boy began to get infected by all these hysterics from his mother, began to cry for no apparent reason, and became hysterical. It happened to me that I “let go,” well, lightly, superficially. Because this nonsense had to be stopped somehow. No exhortations worked. She is hysterical - with me it’s like they turned it off. Now the boy is 4 years old. He is healthy and cheerful and almost never gets sick. Fortunately, he did not become hysterical. But he doesn’t care about his mother, he beats her with anything, and doesn’t listen at all. She turned into his lackey. And with me - unquestioningly. Dad said - no questions. He and I are best friends. So he says: “I obey only dad. And even - I only love dad, but not mom.”

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