My children copy my mistakes in life

My children copy my mistakes in life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I leftmarried a very good man, but it was notLove . I just escaped from a hard life. An atheist myself, I am now more of an agnostic and I can say from my own experience that there is some kind of force that can influence our affairs and point out our mistakes. This can be clearly seen in the families of my children. And no amount of argument will change anything now.

Love , only love can make yourlife is happy, I tell them. Butson andthe daughter-in-law is not heard, since in our families discipline and severity rather ruled. I hang myself when I come to visit them. I see sadness in my grandson’s eyes, tears. Permissiveness for the little one. Then, realizing all this, parents want to compensate with gifts. But it doesn't work.

My children are professionals, but they would achieve great heights, both in work and in the family, if they lived in equality, could and knew how to defend their point of view, where initiative was encouraged and conversations were held with children. This can only be achieved through Love. We hid it and did not show it. I often cry about this, but it’s too late. And God punished me. He made me see it now, in my children's families.

How to influence, how to correct if I haven’t learned how to do this myself? I only ask God for mercy. I understood everything. But what about my grandchildren? If only everything could be fixed.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak.

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